Sing & Play; 'Oh Pretty Woman' - version by Roy Orbison

Discussion in 'General Instruction [BG]' started by JerenDeb, Jul 18, 2014.

  1. I can sing Pretty Woman really well. I have been told I can emulate Roy's voice while singing in that tone.
    I can play Pretty Woman on bass very good. I've got it down by 20x repetitions each session I practice it.
    But, playing & singing that song is a challenge. I do sing & play other songs, like Sea of Love, Suzy Q, Neon Moon, Your Sixteen & others.

    Any tips for better playing & singing? I've read a few but I'd like some fresh experiences here.

  2. MarkMgibson

    MarkMgibson Guest

    Oct 24, 2012
    Brisbane, Australia
    Sorry, but what's your problem exactly? Is it playing and singing at the same time? If so, there's a few things you can do to help. The one that helped me when I started singing harmonies, was to quote poems, speeches, or just talk while I was playing. It sounds silly, I know, but it does work.
  3. Sounds like that's my solution. Thanks.