Where's all the love for dead roundwounds?

Discussion in 'Strings [BG]' started by toomanyslurpees, Jul 14, 2013.

  1. ljazz


    Dec 10, 2002
    Cookeville, TN
    I used to hate overly worn in rounds..... especially nickel rounds. As I've gotten older, I think my chemistry has changed to where nickel rounds now die a more graceful death...... and they certainly last much longer...... even the initial zing takes a few more days to tame than when I was younger. I have a set of of Daddario xl's on my '08 P, and they sound incredible. No zing, good bounce, nice snap when popped, and just enough upper mid content to know they're not flats. I've had them on for about 6 months now.

    BTW, I play TIJF's on my CS '59 P, and they sound nothing like worn rounds..... maybe somewhat similar when fresh, but a couple weeks of solid breakin time, and there is no mistaking that they are flats. If your TIJF's sound like rounds, then you haven't played them enough to break in properly.