wooden stage - wooden floor

Discussion in 'Live Sound [BG]' started by MAGUS®, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. MAGUS®


    Dec 23, 2004
    How do you gigging guys stack your cabs on wooden stages or wooden floors ?

    We got a gig coming up, and instead of the usual wood stage, or carpeted floor, its a wood floor. This is just the band area, not the whole bar

    Both my cabs have castors on the bottom - call it old age, but they're a breeze to move around, but i'm wondering about coupling, or rather de-coupling.

    I figure a wooden floor would not be as resonant as a wooden stage, so is it worth shoving a bit of carpet under each cabs' castors ? Or just leave alone
  2. A bit of carpet isn't going to appreciably change either the mechanical or acoustic coupling with the floor, so I would definitely forget that. The castors themselves do much more to alleviate mechanical coupling than the carpet will. If you're getting a lot of mechanical coupling with the floor I'd put your cabinets up on a chair, or maybe invest in a Gramma pad.

    If you actually want mechanical coupling then take the castors off and increase the contact area between the cabinets and the floor.
  3. uhdinator

    uhdinator Guest

    Apr 20, 2010
    I use 2 auralex gramma's under each 215 sub and top cabs on stands.
  4. MAGUS®


    Dec 23, 2004
    These are my bass cabs, not the PA cabs.

    Thanks guys - i'll probably just leave them as is, on the castors, and take note of the results.