Stripped Truss Rod Nut Help

Discussion in 'Hardware, Setup & Repair [BG]' started by William Harsent, May 3, 2018.

  1. William Harsent

    William Harsent Guest

    May 3, 2018
    Looking for Help on how I can possibly fix my bass neck's action, my truss rod nut is stripped, and the action is a bit high, is it a good idea to loosen the truss rod and remove the nut?

  2. Turnaround

    Turnaround Commercial User

    May 6, 2004
    Toronto Canada
    Independent Instrument Technician - Retired
    I hope you understand that the truss rod is not for adjusting the string height - it's for getting the neck relief right. But assuming you know that already, I would slacken the strings, remove the truss rod nut and replace it.
    Lownote38 likes this.
  3. Lownote38


    Aug 8, 2013
    Nashville, TN