A cab for a bad neighborhood ?

Discussion in 'Amps and Cabs [BG]' started by bassgod76, Oct 7, 2013.

  1. Depends on the practice setting. Should be enough for residential practicing is what they've been saying.
  2. JimmyM


    Apr 11, 2005
    Apopka, FL
    Endorsing: Yamaha, Ampeg, Line 6, EMG
    You'll be Grandpa one day, bro. If it can happen to me, it can happen to anyone. Hope you can hear your grandkids tell you they love you ;)
  3. lbanks


    Jul 17, 2003
    Ennui, IN USA
    Home Owner Associations; They come in handy if there's a need to spread the legal responsibilities around, otherwise and mostly, bleh.
  4. will33


    May 22, 2006
    HOA's have no useful purpose. They're just little "mini-governments", for people who don't have enough of that in their lives already.....who are hellbent on dictating to their neighbors how they should live......that is all.
  5. JimmyM


    Apr 11, 2005
    Apopka, FL
    Endorsing: Yamaha, Ampeg, Line 6, EMG
    I would like to dictate to my neighbors that they can't have yards full of lawnmower parts and broken cars on blocks for years.
  6. I hear ya. But what power does a HOA actually wield anyway? If I have a junk car in the yard, what can they actually legally do?
  7. Collectively sue you for breach of collective agreement? I assume you are all referring to what we call "body corporates", which are only used in unit title developments here in NZ, afaik. The rest is peer pressure and local govt bylaws if it gets to multiple wrecked cars or noise complaints.
  8. will33


    May 22, 2006
    That's all you got to worry about is cars and lawnmowers?...haha...you should see some stuff over here, man. :D

    Really though, I get your point...up to a point.

    This stuff has progressed well beyond just keeping out unsafe junk, keeping property values from degrading, and keeping out crime. It's gone beyond corksniffer and far into "we don't mind corksniffing as long as it's our corks you're sniffing" type stuff. Basically "if you ain't flaky white upper crust, we don't want you around here whether you can afford the dues or not" type stuff.

    That's disgusting. It's turning back whatever progress has been made, and making it appealing to do so.
  9. That's quite an accusation, and truly awful. You have a specific example?
    On second thought, better not go there. Hot potato.
  10. JimmyM


    Apr 11, 2005
    Apopka, FL
    Endorsing: Yamaha, Ampeg, Line 6, EMG
    My neighborhood is EXTREMELY racially mixed.
  11. will33


    May 22, 2006
    Sure....give me enough time and I can dig up enough links to keep everybody reading for 3 days straight. Don't act like this doesn't exist.

    And no....it doesn't mean that anybody who's in an HOA thinks like that....far from it. It's the extremes......which are becoming more common than some would like to think.
  12. will33


    May 22, 2006
    Mine too....doesn't mean that doesn't happen...it does...more often than folks are willing to admit.
  13. will33


    May 22, 2006
    By the way folks....don't pull the racist card too quick. It's way more classist than it ever is racist.
  14. I agree, but some folks get a bit chafed when they see "flaky white upper crust." You know, like a certain baked snack food. :D
  15. will33


    May 22, 2006
    What?....pie? Everybody likes pie.
  16. gustobassman

    gustobassman I'm only here for the after party.. Supporting Member

    Mar 31, 2011
    Sandy Eggo
    Endorsing Artist: Payson Fanned Bass Strings Tsunami Cables
    To the OP, if its a "questionable area" it probably is. Just get used to moving your gear. Its a lot cheaper than buying new stuff. Think small and give hints to your drummer that "softer is better".
  17. oerk


    Oct 16, 2009
    I am not sure what your point is and why you chose to quote me, so... ok?

    I _am_ sure that you are too loud, though.
  18. grenadilla

    grenadilla Guest

    Aug 22, 2011
    If you can get a Sunn 215 cabinet cheap with light-duty speakers, jump on it before someone else does! You can make it a 400-600 cabinet that will be a credit to any neighborhood.
  19. Yeah you can run direct- IF your band actually has a PA setup that has bass subs, but in my experience- when most bands say they have PA, it is only the smaller speakers for vocals, and monitors. No subs to pump any bass, no matter how good your DI box is.