Accents with back of fingernail (fingerstyle)

Discussion in 'Technique [BG]' started by ptm, Nov 16, 2016.

  1. ptm

    ptm Guest

    Nov 13, 2016
    Hi everyone,

    I noticed that sometimes when playing fingerstyle, especially when adding a little 8th or 16th note accent here and there, I do a little downstroke using the back of the nail on my index. So, for example, instead of going index->middle finger I might go index(fingerpad)->index(back of fingernail), kind of like a restrained, one finger "rasgueado". Is there a name for this/is it common? It feels very natural to me, and I wonder if it's actually so obvious that no mentions it (or perhaps they do but I failed to notice)
  2. DiabolusInMusic

    DiabolusInMusic Functionless Art is Merely Tolerated Vandalism

    I don't know if there is a name for it but Geddy Lee uses his nails to hit strings on the upstroke for better definition.
    ptm likes this.
  3. ptm

    ptm Guest

    Nov 13, 2016
    I just watched a couple videos, and that's very close to what I was talking about! Although he clearly made it a whole style. I do the upstroke thing here and for a quick accent (almost in the same situations where one would play an open string and then hammer on the intended note instead of just fretting it). Cool! So I guess that I if I mention Geddy Lee's right hand technique people will know what I mean.
  4. lz4005


    Oct 22, 2013
    That technique is much more commonplace for fingerstyle electric guitar players than for bass.
    But if it sounds right, it's all good.
    Victor Wooten does a similar thing with his thumb.
    ptm likes this.