all ghostly wonkiness here plz.

Discussion in 'Off Topic [BG]' started by xcental34x, Apr 17, 2004.

  1. clanner

    clanner Token Black Guy.

    Apr 27, 2005
    ummmmm, marietta GA
    ok. gray freaky looking thing, scary ass face, about 3.5 feet tall, small wings, fast as hell and slender. covered in fur. scares ya when your younger (10). scared me when I got a bit older to(14).

    did i mention fast as hell.
  2. fourstringdrums

    fourstringdrums Decidedly Indecisive Supporting Member

    Oct 20, 2002
    Sylvia Brown (psychic from Montell Williams Show) :)

    So technically YOU didn't see the ghost right? A bit misleading in the title isn't it? :)

    That's strange though, a ghost that comes out during the day outside. I've only heard of ones that show up in house usually in the dark. Must be an outdoor lover who's not a night person :)
  3. Bayou_Brawler

    Bayou_Brawler The most hurtful thing ever realized

    Oct 23, 2003
    Ann Arbor, MI
    no drugs, no stress, two different people saw it. that kind of screwing is not going on.
  4. Mr.Phil


    Apr 9, 2005
    Upstate NY
    YES! It was, but then you disapeared after like 30 seconds... weird...
  5. mike_v_s

    mike_v_s Guest

    And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is why I turned down a "killer" deal on an apartment that was the scene of a murder-suicide. True story. Blood wasn't even up yet.

  6. Mr.Phil


    Apr 9, 2005
    Upstate NY
    I don't know.... If they cleaned it up I don't see what the problem would be. The dead guy can't hurt you... :ninja:
  7. BurningSkies

    BurningSkies CRAZY BALDHEAD

    Feb 20, 2005
    Syracuse NY
    Endorsing artist: Dingwall Guitars

    The odd thing is that we didn't know that detail until after I'd moved out. Several years later, I dated a girl who lived in the neighborhood (her grandparents had a house 2 doors down from my old place)...and one night I was talking with her mother, and when I told her which place, she then told me of being a young child playing in the yard and watching the whole thing unfold...that a woman came screaming out of the house in hysterics, the cops showed, and then the body carted off. It was the first time she'd heard of suicide.

    On a side note, I live across and down the street a bit right now. I can see the place from my bedroom window. This area has a bit of that kind of activity...its mostly student housing now, but most of the houses are late 1800's and early 1900's.

    As I said, I didn't believe it until I lived it...and while I lived there, neither my parents nor my sister would visit, and they don't believe in that stuff either.

    My drummer at the time came over occasionally in the beginning, but after a pretty benign experience with some footsteps and a couple of lights that liked to turn themselves on and off by themselves...he wouldn't step foot in the place.

    I haven't gone into the story, because it's long (a year's worth of stuff).
  8. kserg


    Feb 20, 2004
    San Jose, CA
    Now the real question is... would you do a ghost if she was hot:/ is that wrong? what if she came on to you?

    [voice= peter griffin] if i walk through you does that mean we've done it[/voice]
  9. RicPlaya


    Apr 22, 2003
    The Mitten
    When I was about 14 I was outside my house in my front yard doing something. It was getting dark and I had turned the light on in my room before I went outside for a few minutes. I noticed someone in my room because I saw the sillouette of someone looking out the window through my blinds. I quickly ran in my house to kick my brother out of my room but there was nobody there. My brother wasn't even home, just my mom and she was downstairs. I thought I was loosing it. A few days later in my sleep I suddenly woke for no reason to see a black cloud over my bed. I rubbed my eyes and looked, stiil there, I rubbed my eyes some more, shook my head, looked again still there. I looked at this thing for about 15-20 seconds floating above my bed then it moved to the corner of my room. Once it started to move I ran out of my room. Then I read about these things called waking dreams, when you are dreaming and wake up and think you see things. Could have been one of those, but I looked and looked at it to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Still not sure if it was a ghost or a dream but the timing was weird seeing the person in my room. At 14 I was a sober kid.
  10. page

    page Guest

    Dec 18, 2004
    florence , mississippi

    Definitely .............wait..........what did I say?
  11. fourstringdrums

    fourstringdrums Decidedly Indecisive Supporting Member

    Oct 20, 2002
    It might have been a waking dream. I'll wake up on ocassion and see things like mosquitos, other bugs and spiders floating or hanging in front of me. I've even seen dumb things like a piece of dust or a feather. I'll swat at it and my hand goes right through it and when I get up and turn on the light it's gone.
  12. RicPlaya


    Apr 22, 2003
    The Mitten

    My girlfriend has vivid dreams, she even has slept walked with me in bed with her. Funny you mention spiders because she usually wakes me up once a month trying to swat the spider. She gets mad at me when I tell her I can't see at and she's sleeping. I am very familiar with vivid dreams, what I saw could have been one, but it seemed very different that what she goes through.
  13. DaveDeVille

    DaveDeVille ... you talkin' to me ?? Supporting Member

    when we first bought our last house in 1991 , we loved it ...

    it was an older home here in S.A. , and the neighborhood
    has residents that have lived in the same houses for twenty or thirty
    years ...
    about two years after we bought it the strange things started to happen...

    my son , age five , complained of "people" standing in his room , talking to him ,
    but he couldn't understand what they were saying , or tell us exactly what they looked like ...

    later , we started to hear things dropping ... just BOOM .
    loud thuds and rolling sounds in the attic ... scared the crap out of us .

    sometimes i swear i heard a woman crying , not wimpering , but full out wailing .
    finally , we just wanted to leave and not come back ...

    we sold that place and have never been bothered again ...
    i know people don't want to believe in ghosts , and thats alright with me .

    i know what happened to us , and that these things have
    never been explained ....
  14. eldave777

    eldave777 Guest

    May 24, 2005
    I was working on a copier in a pet supply company. I was upstairs and I was all alone. I noticed it was suddenly cold in the hallway I was working in. Then I heard a voice that sounded like a little boy say "It's cold in here!" I responded 'yeah it is'. The sound was coming from a room up there and there was only one door in or out of the room. The room was dark so I thought that was wierd so I turned the light on and .... no kid. I looked all over kid. SO I quickly finished what I was doing and as I left I told the guy at the cash register what happened. He turned to the girl working the counter with him who looked freaked out and said okay maybe your not crazy. She asked me if it suddenly got cold up there ( I left that part out when I told them about it) I said yeah it did. She freaked a little more and said " about fifty years ago that building was an elementary school. So while I've never seen a ghost I'm pretty sure I've heard one. :eek: :eek: :eek:
  15. JDT

    JDT Guest

    Jun 13, 2005
    West-Flanders, Belgium
    There might be an interesting psychological side to this. Maybe your mind can have you hear things. I remember there's a song I like that has a little thing in it that sounds exactly like my mom is calling out to me to come to dinner (I'm in my room, she stands at the bottom of the stairs). I've been mistaken a couple times before I realised it was in the record :meh:
  16. Toasted


    May 26, 2003
    Leeds, UK
    Ghost stories creep Toasted out.
  17. kserg


    Feb 20, 2004
    San Jose, CA
    I still dont understand you people...

    If i ever saw a ghost i'd start talking to him... none of you try to talk to them... It would be so cool just to talk to one... be like

    Hey man... hows it going (if its a guy who hung himself i'd crap a cheap joke of "hows it hanging" he-he get it... hanging... he-he)

    Come here often...? Do you like watch me... you know... if i am ever with chick or alone? pron and stuff? think they are faking it?

    want a beer dude?

    (...i am acctually not really joking...)
  18. page

    page Guest

    Dec 18, 2004
    florence , mississippi
    The Guestroom is right by my room and I swear, sometimes when theres no one in there Ill hear the tv goin in the middle of the night. One Night it was actually on at 3 in the morning. was on Animal Planet too .........if that means anything.
  19. kserg


    Feb 20, 2004
    San Jose, CA
    You have a pet ghost:)
  20. kserg


    Feb 20, 2004
    San Jose, CA
    You have a pet ghost:)