Chickenbacker 4004LK - (Chinese Rickenbacker Lemmy Kilmister Signature Replica)

Discussion in 'Basses [BG]' started by Spidzior, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. The Bass Clef

    The Bass Clef is modulating in time. Gold Supporting Member

    Nov 17, 2010
    Southern California
    Yeah, I wouldn't really want to buy them. Burning all that lead paint in my house would probably kill me. :bag:
  2. Ric5

    Ric5 Inactive

    Jan 29, 2008
    I like 5, 8, 10, and 12 string basses
    Ya ... that would be toxic ...
  3. John Schoen

    John Schoen Guest

    Jun 4, 2011
    Zaandam, Netherlands
    Mine arrived today.



    Decently set up straight from the box, plays well, sounds well and looks good. I am happy with it. :)
    Splods and Dark Horse like this.
  4. SlingBass4


    Feb 28, 2009
    Kansas City
    IF it plays and sounds as good as it looks......*I* think you did OK :thumbsup:
  5. Gaolee

    Gaolee Official leathers tester and crash dummy

    Three Thunderbird pickups, a Fender-ish tail, P-bass knobs, stars for markers, checkerboard binding, carved top, Ric shape and headstock. They should have strung it with neon strings to finish the job. I don't care if it's a perfect copy of something somebody plays, to me it looks like the ultimate hybrid mish-mash. That makes it pretty great if it works.
  6. So shipping and everything how much was that exactly?
  7. Ric5

    Ric5 Inactive

    Jan 29, 2008
    I like 5, 8, 10, and 12 string basses
    I think it is freaking beautiful
  8. What is the weight of this bass? The reason I'm asking is that a mate of mine bought a Chinese Yngwie sig guitar, and when it arrived it felt like it was made out of balsa wood it was that light.
  9. looks great!
  10. dminer


    Nov 26, 2007
  11. John Schoen

    John Schoen Guest

    Jun 4, 2011
    Zaandam, Netherlands
    This is no lightweight, it weighs 10.6 pounds.
  12. godofthunder59

    godofthunder59 Life is short, buy the bass.

    Feb 19, 2006
    Rochester NY USA
    Endorsing Cataldo Basses, Whirlwind products, Thunderbucker pickups
    Holy cats! They even have one painted up like McCartneys Magical Mystery Tour bass! So John the OP is in the Netherlands, what are the chances of one of these getting through US customs? Nil I would think.
  13. bh2


    Jun 16, 2008
    Oxford, UK
    Yes... they has a right handed version too... £200 here in UK. I wonder if the neck would snap if I removed the frets.
  14. John Schoen

    John Schoen Guest

    Jun 4, 2011
    Zaandam, Netherlands
    The bass was 539.01 US $. Shipping was free but the customs here stung me for 112.27 Euros in taxes and import duties.
  15. PaulBoyer

    PaulBoyer Commercial User

    Jan 27, 2012
    Well, that's about one twelfth of what a real Lemmy would cost you now if you could even find one. Hope it plays alright. I may be jaundiced, but I think it looks awful. They've applied a stain wash to the oak-leaf relief, and you can see where it slopped (or crept) over the edges. The back looks like it was made from palette wood. Well, you get what you pay for. :unsure:
  16. Nothing a little DIY and a good setup can't fix though.
  17. iamthebassman


    Feb 24, 2004
    Endorsing Artist: Phantom Guitars, Eastwood Guitars
    Nope. That's a copy of my bass.
    basses013-2.jpg the-beatles-paul-mccartney-s-psychedelic_zps5132aa72.jpg
  18. Gaolee

    Gaolee Official leathers tester and crash dummy

    I just went through that website and they sure have a lot of counterfeits there. I don't mind copies so much, but when they mark them "Made in USA," I take exception. Those guitars are made in USA about as often as I was born in China. Copies are copies, but those are built to deceive, no more, no less.
  19. buldog5151bass

    buldog5151bass Kibble, milkbones, and P Basses. And redheads.

    Oct 22, 2003
    Why do people get upset when they don't get paid for songwriting credit, claiming intellectual property violations, yet see no problem buying illegal copies of instruments?
  20. Moral ambiguity maybe? I mean it's human nature to skew the rules when they are leaned in your favor.
    Also, you save a ton of money for the look.