Do you keep a Journel/Diary

Discussion in 'Off Topic [BG]' started by MAJOR METAL, Feb 25, 2005.

  1. Nadav


    Nov 13, 2004
    Atlanta, GA
    Not just that, but I believe it's also good for self-development when you're actually writing it.
  2. Josh Ryan

    Josh Ryan - that dog won't hunt, Monsignor. Supporting Member

    Mar 24, 2001
  3. ive been keepin a journal for about a year now and it has its benifits. sometimes its nice to just write and get some stuff out, and in time when you read it back you learn a bit about yourself that could help u become a slightly more developed person.

    for example, i have learned to more positive and not land myself in a rut, i didnt really notice these things at the time i wrote them down but i did when i read them a few months later.


    MAJOR METAL The Beagle Father Supporting Member

    True :)