Dunlop 105Q Wah

Discussion in 'For Sale: Parts, Strings, and Accessories' started by Beav, May 31, 2006.

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  1. Beav

    Beav Graphics Whore

    Jul 17, 2003
    Middle Tennessee
    I've got a used Dunlop 105Q Wah. I'd give it a 9 out of 10 cosmetically. Some very light scratches, but nothing to really speak about. I'm looking for 60+ shipping. I've got the original box, but it's markered up with a bunch of emo crap and skulls.

    I absoutley love this pedal, but I find I don't use it like I should and it's just taking up space on my board.

    The only trades I want are for a MXR M-80 (plus boot on my part)

  2. Beav

    Beav Graphics Whore

    Jul 17, 2003
    Middle Tennessee
    Due to some new financial problems, I'll let this go for 55+shipping.
  3. Adam Barkley

    Adam Barkley Mayday!

    Aug 26, 2003
    Jackson, MS
    I'll take it.
  4. Beav

    Beav Graphics Whore

    Jul 17, 2003
    Middle Tennessee
    And that baby is SOLD!
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