finally resurrected my prog rig

Discussion in 'Effects [BG]' started by john turner, Apr 20, 2009.

  1. john turner

    john turner You don't want to do that. Trust me. Staff Member

    Mar 14, 2000
    atlanta ga
    well, up until recently my band hasn't really required all the bells and whistles of my main rig, so it sat mostly disassembled. but the past few months have seen a resuscitation of my _other_ (prog) band lord only, and so i've pulled out all the gear and wired up the rig o'doom.

    experimenting with a few new things in this too, stuff i've never used before, so this should be fun.

    but first, some pics.


    the stack of speakers on the left are my bass speakers (hartke 4x12 and yamaha 1x18) and the Ev VMR (15" and a 10") is used for the synth stuff.


    from the top, a pair of aphex units, wired together, that give me 4 channels of compression and gating. not sure if these are going to stay - used to use them in the studio for recording drums and such. i'll see how they work here on the various distortions i'll be using.

    next, we have the axon ax100sb, with installed soundboard. the sounds on this thing are really nice, and it tracks pretty well even on the low b on my rmc-equipped basses.

    the jv1010 below is hooked in via midi directly to the axon. really great sounds in this unit, have used it a lot in some of the longer tunes on our finished but as-yet unreleased 2nd cd.

    in the past i've mainly used the boss se70 for the built in vocoder, but i'm going to start using it for more effects i think - it's decent, although probably not the most pristine signal path.

    ada mp1 - sorta crappy, but sorta nice. only use it for distortion. sounds ok - slightly nasally - but not nearly as good as...

    marshall jmp-1. awesome on my bass - sounds better than it does on guitar, imo. fantastic distortions and remarkably quiet, considering.

    aguilar db680. nothing more need be said :).

    and then we have the sound sculpture gl. this is a 16 in/16 out programmable switching/routing matrix. this unit is stupid awesome. the tone of my instruments is really well preserved routing through it - i'd say 95% of pure preamp-poweramp-cabs, and considering i'm only really doing this monster rig for live considerations, that's a number i can live with.

    it comes with software that you put on your computer and map out how you want to route your inputs and outputs. it's quite powerful and easy to use.

    next, we have a kawai k5000m, an additive synth unit. i use it for footpedal synth. i love how it sounds - it uses fourier principles of waveform summation to mimic real sounds. this ends up making very pleasing although not quite real sounds like vocal ahs and strings that stay in tune and get really weird when played in the very low octaves.

    the bgw powers the ev cab, for the synths, and the qsc powers my bass cabs.


    my humble stomp box collection. depending on how i like the boss se70 for effects, this may be expanding quite a bit, when i get some dough.

    i have 2 loops coming to the floor from the switchblade, one with just the blowtorch and the whammy, the other with the moogerfooger and the bassballs. i have each loop routed into it's own channel in the aphex units before being returned into the switchblade. i can place these loops anywhere in the signal chain in the switchblade.


    an octave and a half of foot pedal goodness. and a midi controller that sends the patch changes to the switchblade, which then delegates em out to all the rack midi units.

    so there you have it. my rig. the stomp element of it will hopefully be growing soon. and the aphex units might be removed. but yeah.

    heh. need a truck.
  2. FrigginChris

    FrigginChris Guest

    Feb 6, 2006
    that's pretty freakin cool there :bassist:
  3. john turner

    john turner You don't want to do that. Trust me. Staff Member

    Mar 14, 2000
    atlanta ga
    thanks. now i just gotta make sure it works properly heh. the switchblade can be a bit daunting to program properly.
  4. Bryan R. Tyler

    Bryan R. Tyler TalkBass: Usurping My Practice Time Since 2002 Staff Member Administrator Gold Supporting Member Supporting Member

    May 3, 2002
    Reviewer: Bass Player Magazine
    I'd like to hear the Roland JV1010. I've been using a Boss VF-1 for years and like those older half-rack multis.
  5. whoatherechunk


    Apr 4, 2008
    i like the use of the JMP.
  6. Joe Gress

    Joe Gress Guest

    Dec 22, 2005
    Pueblo, CO
    Dude, awesome rig!

    You should look at some more moogerfoogers and some CV connection between them. It keeps all the other moog fanatics busy around here.

    So, how do you like that blowtorch?
  7. Bryan R. Tyler

    Bryan R. Tyler TalkBass: Usurping My Practice Time Since 2002 Staff Member Administrator Gold Supporting Member Supporting Member

    May 3, 2002
    Reviewer: Bass Player Magazine
    He must not like it that much- it's currently set as a mute pedal :D
  8. JimmyM


    Apr 11, 2005
    Apopka, FL
    Endorsing: Yamaha, Ampeg, Line 6, EMG
    And here I am sweating whether to keep or drop the Whammy Pedal when my Micro Pog arrives! Jeez, John! Dave LaRue doesn't even have that much stuff!
  9. johnpaulbass


    Nov 2, 2005
    Endorsing Artist: Pyramid Strings, MPE Audio
    oh my god.
  10. Geddyfleaharris

    Geddyfleaharris Supporting Member

    The funny thing is that there is more computer power and brains in your bass rig than there was in Apollo 11 that took man to the moon. Not saying your rig will take you to the moon.......just saying. :)
  11. john turner

    john turner You don't want to do that. Trust me. Staff Member

    Mar 14, 2000
    atlanta ga
    heh thanks guys :).

    i love it - i have the voice card expansion in it, and the vocal pads sound awesome.

    here's a rough mix of a song i used it in (it's about 5 mins into it, you'll hear it). i play the synth pads with my feet too, although for the recording i used a kurzweil k2vx for them,iirc. the section right after that one, i use another vocal patch, and futher on in the song some more too - pretty much every vocal-sounding patch in there is the jv1010.

    (will repost link when better mix is present).

    yeah, that thing is sweet. an old guitarist i used to play with had one, and it just sounded so good on bass i had to get one too.

    i'm totally into that. i plan on getting the murf - love that wacky farout stuff - and the phaser. might even do the ring mod depending on how it works with bass.

    i like it. gotta experiment some more, but it's got a good beefy tone to it that i can get some really solid distortion out of. it's really hot on the output, which is nice, i can set it to have a constant boost.

    heh. it wasn't on in the pic. because of the switchblade i'm going to just keep it on all the time, since the blade will route to it when i need it.

    heh. well, understand that my rig's the product of about 15 years of acquisitions - i rarely sell stuff, and only buy stuff that i'm pretty sure i'm going to use, so i tend to hold on to things.

    when it comes to gear, i don't date, i marry heh. like a sultan maybe, but still.
  12. takfar


    Dec 21, 2008
    From what I hear, the Apollo 11 had less computing power than a modern clothes washing machine. John's stuff could probably take the Apollo 11 to Mars and advance humanity's scientific knowledge by five decades.

    That said, John would probably be the only one who'd be able to fly that hypothetical spaceship: too many knobs and LEDs and displays and buttons and pedals, Neil Armstrong would probably be dumbstruck...
  13. john turner

    john turner You don't want to do that. Trust me. Staff Member

    Mar 14, 2000
    atlanta ga
    who's bryan? :bag:
  14. takfar


    Dec 21, 2008
    fixed... soz' dude
  15. john turner

    john turner You don't want to do that. Trust me. Staff Member

    Mar 14, 2000
    atlanta ga
    :D no worries.
  16. excane

    excane Inactive

    Aug 23, 2005
    New York, NY
    Some awesome stuff for sure John.... :)

    Why the ADA MP-1 and not MB-1?
  17. john turner

    john turner You don't want to do that. Trust me. Staff Member

    Mar 14, 2000
    atlanta ga
    got the mp1 for a steal, and i only use it for the distortion, so it works.
  18. JimmyM


    Apr 11, 2005
    Apopka, FL
    Endorsing: Yamaha, Ampeg, Line 6, EMG
    Maybe if the Apollo astronauts had John's rack, Apollo 13 wouldn't have been a near-disaster ;)
  19. How does all the gear handle your sub-sub-bass ER basses??
  20. takfar


    Dec 21, 2008
    on a 2x12 and 1x18 I wouldn't worry about sub-sub bass, at least in what concerns the cabs... heck, it can probably do that a couple octaves down, hahah.