Getting Roxy Music Bass Tone With Compression??

Discussion in 'Effects [BG]' started by Desuh, Nov 30, 2016.

  1. Boss LMB-3

    0 vote(s)
  2. Boss LM-2B

    0 vote(s)
  3. DOD Milkbox

    1 vote(s)
  4. Good luck getting that tone with an inexpensive compressor.

    0 vote(s)
  5. He's not using compression.

    0 vote(s)
  1. Desuh


    May 28, 2011
    Okay, so for years I've been constantly blown away by the bass playing on Roxy Music's early albums, The bass is so amazing and sits so well in the mix, I'm always chasing the tone of John Gustafson's sound on tracks like "Love Is the Drug" and "Do the Strand".

    Anyway, I know he used a p-bass/jazz bass/Wal bass, but I was wondering if a compressor would help me get closer to that punchyness and even attack on these tracks (links to tracks below).

    I've been stuck between getting a Boss LM-2B or a LMB-3 bass pedal to get this tone, would this help? Any input would be great.

    Do the Strand

    Love Is the Drug
    omie and Fuzzbass like this.
  2. kat888

    kat888 Guest

    Oct 13, 2015
    I think the compressors at AIR studios at that time were Neve if that's any help.
    Desuh likes this.
  3. 10cc

    10cc Inactive

    Oct 28, 2013
    Best bass tone ever in my opinion. Sounds like a P and a pick.
    Desuh, rob_thebassman and Fuzzbass like this.
  4. Fuzzbass

    Fuzzbass P5 with overdrive Gold Supporting Member

    Definitely compression! First because every pro recording will compress the bass track, second because it's obvious here.

    Can't answer your question. My answer would be the Origin Cali76, but I will ping @bongomania for a recommendation on a more reasonably priced solution.
    Desuh likes this.
  5. bongomania

    bongomania Commercial User

    Oct 17, 2005
    PDX, OR
    owner, OVNIFX and OVNILabs
    The LMB3 and Milkbox are fine choices. Each has strengths and weaknesses, but that's unavoidable, especially at a low price; so maybe you should buy both and sell the one that doesn't suit you. Even doing that would be like $100-120 instead of the $200 of a "better" pedal. Another option, if you can solder, is a DIY project like the Schalltechnik_04 Pumpernickel; that will get you the $200 results for well under $100.
  6. 10cc

    10cc Inactive

    Oct 28, 2013
    Desuh likes this.
  7. Desuh


    May 28, 2011
    10cc and jimfist like this.
  8. Desuh


    May 28, 2011
    I've been looking at your site a lot. Thank you for such a wonderfully informative site and your dedication to the sonic arts. It says in your Boss LM-2B review that you actually like it more than the LMB-3, do you still feel that way? I say that because I see a LM-2B for less than a LMB-3 (also, I like that the pedal has less knobs) :D
  9. bongomania

    bongomania Commercial User

    Oct 17, 2005
    PDX, OR
    owner, OVNIFX and OVNILabs
    Yes, go for it. :)
    Desuh likes this.