Grrrrrrrrrrrrrraduate School!

Discussion in 'Off Topic [BG]' started by Peter McFerrin, Dec 2, 2003.

  1. Danny R.

    Danny R. Supporting Member

    Hey Pete, you'll love L.A.
    Let's jam some time!! :bassist:
  2. I have some...issues with the neoliberal position as inspired by Friedman's writings. :mad:

    Plus, they treat grad students like crap. 50% of econ PhD candidates are dumped after their first year.
  3. Petebass


    Dec 22, 2002
    QLD Australia
    I judge those to ge a wonderful set of personalities. Give him a cookie!
  4. Congrats, Peter! USC has a better football team than Cornell, too. :D
  5. Tsal


    Jan 28, 2000
    Hey, congrats Smuggy! I just got a thick letter from Hame Polytechnic yesterday myself, I'll be moving to Southern Finland in January to study Construction Engineering, and possibly Construction Architechture if I get into their international program later.

    I'm also waiting for a letter from Vaasa University if I got into their economics program, if I do then it'd make two of us, eh? I think I'm taking the Construction Engineering though, but putting the economics 'on hold' so I can change there next year if I'm interested.
  6. SuperDuck

    SuperDuck Guest

    Sep 26, 2000
    Oh yeah. :D

    Wouldn't be the first time, won't be the last.
  7. one?
  8. I don't think the world could handle THE SMUGNESS on two bodies.

    Oh, I shaved the goatee again. I had forgotten how damned itchy these things are.
  9. MacheteJames

    MacheteJames Guest

    Aug 11, 2003
    Lowell, MA, USA
    congrats... I am gonna be applying for a sociology Ph.D program, since a BA in sociology isn't worth much as far as I can tell. I've been thinking about applying to schools out in California, I am totally sick of New England winters.

    But I'm in an original, gigging rock band, so it looks like that's not gonna happen in the immediate future. :meh: :)
  10. ColonelZulu

    ColonelZulu Not Impressed By Those Who Flaunt “Authority” Supporting Member

    Apr 14, 2001
    Good luck PM...didn't have much time to play seriously when I was in grad school.
    Make the most of it.

    Oh, yeah, congrats on finishing up at Cornell too. That's a pretty big feat in and of itself.

    Now go forth and work out new non-linear progression formulae. Make the world a better place!!!:bassist:
  11. As you may have seen from my postings in the gear classifieds, I don't think I'll have much time for bassin', either. Anyhow, for right now I'm much more interested in developing my songwriting skills, a task which doesn't require lengthy blocks of time the way bass chops development does.

    I'll still be keeping my chops up and playing the occasional jazz casual or open mic, but until I'm done with having 20 hours of classes a week, I'm putting a band on hold.

    Oh, and thanks about Cornell. I was an emotional wreck by the time I made it out of there, so it was extra-special to get that diploma.
  12. Brad Johnson

    Brad Johnson Inactive

    Mar 8, 2000
    Gaithersburg, Md
    DR Strings
    What key is this thread in?
  13. I believe it'd be the key of

    :smug: :smug: :smug:
  14. Stachio

    Stachio Supporting Member

    Jan 29, 2002
    COngrats are in effect, Pete.
    You'll still be a Techie in my eyes :D .
    I should be accepted into grad school in about 3 weeks according to the graduate advisor.
    Good stuff.
  15. secretdonkey


    Oct 9, 2002
    Austin, TX
    Heh. Might want to ask around about the value of a Ph.D in sociology before you give up those big original rock band dollars. :meh:

    Ask any new lib. arts Ph.D trying to get tenure at State U. -- ya gotta do it for love of the subject, not $$$.

    That's partly what kept me away -- I wasn't terribly passionate about the field. Oh, and the fact that I'm not nearly as bright as I like to think I am -- that too.

  16. Yeah, at least with a master's or PhD in economics, I could always go get a Wall Street job. Any of the other social sciences... :meh:
  17. MacheteJames

    MacheteJames Guest

    Aug 11, 2003
    Lowell, MA, USA
    I'm into sociology big time, but yeah, it's an unfortunate reality that getting a terminal degree in a social science doesn't pay what it should when you consider the massive time committment necessary to get there. I just don't know what the alternative is.

    :confused: :meh:

    What do you do for work?
  18. so uh, how do you afford all of this schooling? Moving to New York to attend Cornell and now moving to California to get your must have a good resource pile. Or debt up to your ears.

    Good luck man! At least someone has an idea of what to do with their life (I start college next year and have no idea what to do)
  19. JR: I have a legally incompetent 91-year-old grandmother who draws a bunch of pensions and has no expenses other than her nursing home. Do the math.
  20. Ty McNeely

    Ty McNeely Guest

    Mar 27, 2000

    So, in other words, you steal from your grandmother without her knowledge? :D