I Really Find Nose Piercings Unattractive

Discussion in 'Off Topic [BG]' started by Unrepresented, Feb 17, 2014.

  1. Caustic Crunch

    Caustic Crunch Guest

    Oct 26, 2013
    Piercings can be taken out easily.
    Ink Cannot.
  2. DerHoggz

    DerHoggz I like cats :| Inactive

    Feb 13, 2009
    Western Pennsylvania
    Quite the gentleman. I would not present a love interest to my enemies either.
  3. JacoLesFlea


    Jun 16, 2006
    When Dr. Drew and Adam Corolla use to have that radio call- in show Loveline a caller called in to complain about his girlfreind whose nip peircings got infected. He said they smelled like a garbage dumpster. :spit:
  4. 96tbird

    96tbird PLEASE STAND BY

    I always chuckle at the arguments I often hear about "expressing my individuality" when the pierced are confronted by detractors. What individuality would that be? The one that makes you look like all the other pierced ones out there?

    Styles and fads are not about anything but conformism.

    I really think that by the time most people reach 50, they will remove these bits of bling from their bodies. I think about you that have stretched your lobes out (ugh). You are gonna need surgery to fix that up!

    As for tats, I see so few that are done by gifted artists that most just look like hellz. Plain hideous, misshapen classless, talentless scrawling. People showing them off either make me laugh or feel bad that they have to wear that mess to the grave.

    Apparently 95% of artists out there are talentless hacks.

    As someone else said about nose rings, I only see and think boogers in my minds eye when I see them. Disgusting. Your feelings may differ.
  5. i'm a fan of nose piercings and nose pickings.

    no one under forty uses that reason.
  6. DeathFromBelow

    DeathFromBelow Never Forget. Inactive

    Dec 23, 2010
    Horten, Norway
    Good to see the spirit of rock 'n roll alive and well on a musicians forum.
  7. Jazz Ad

    Jazz Ad Mi la ré sol

    I can dig tattoos but I've yet to see anyone looking better with a piercing than without.
    To each his own.
  8. N.F.A.


    Jun 25, 2009
    In a blue funk
    My gf has a Monroe, which I find totally sexy. Nose rings are okay too. Love tramp stamps!
  9. bigfatbass

    bigfatbass Inactive

    Jun 30, 2003
    Upstate NY
    Endorsing Artist: Karl Hoyt Basses
    I love a little sparkly nose piercing on a girl, but it has to be understated. When it screams "Look at the sidecar bling on my nose! Now!" it very quickly becomes unattractive.

    Bull ring/septum piercings in any place on anyone I find extremely unattractive.

    And if she is piercing any part of her hoo haa that is a definite no way. She probably spends more time open than 7-11, and I'm just not that kind of a people person.


    When I put a little silver star stud in my ear with the help of my buddies and a hunk of ice (and a LOT of gauze pads. apparently I was a "bleeder") back in the 80s, it wasn't all that common. We did it as a group/team thing. I've worn a small tasteful earring of some kind in my left ear ever since. For the last 20 it has been the same 1/3" lightly filigreed silver patina hoop. Don't see that changing, I suspect it will end up in the urn with my ashes.

    I guess the wave of ear guagings and face leakings is kinda the same thing. You know, shock the parents, establish a collective difference amongst peers and all that sociology stuff. The same except for one simple fact: even after almost 30 yrs, I can take that hoop out, and make the hole close up to near invisibility in a matter of just a few months.

    Good luck toning down those coasters on your lobes in 30 years, lol.
  10. I have a bumper sticker that reads "i break for girls with septum piercings"
  11. fmoore200

    fmoore200 Guest

    Mar 22, 2011
    I don't find any additions to the female form attractive. Why mess with perfection? I'm talking piercings, fake nails, or tattoos. I can live with the first two, but tattoos are pretty close to a deal breaker.

    Edit: and while we're at it, I am not a fan of short hair. Shoulder length is acceptable, but I start to be turned off any shorter.
  12. Unrepresented

    Unrepresented Something Borderline Offensive

    Jul 1, 2006
    San Diego, CA
    I need an anagramed one that says "septum piercings break girls for I"
    In general I consider most jewelry to be a turnoff, mostly because it strikes me as a hygiene issue. Septum piercings take my neurotic level over the edge.
  13. bkbirge


    Jun 25, 2000
    Houston, TX
    Endorsing Artist: Steak n Shake
    Sooooo sexy....


  14. The way I see it, if you're not attracted to people with nose piercings, then you're probably not the person they are trying to attract.
  15. tastybasslines

    tastybasslines Inactive

    May 9, 2010
    Los Angeles, CA
    Yes, please

  16. SteveC

    SteveC Gold Supporting Member

    Nov 12, 2004
    NE ND
    Depends on the person. I generally don't mind a small, simple nose piercing. The navel piercing is fine. Ears of course - but I don't care for the big hole thing. Lip and eyebrow aren't my favorite. I don't mind nipple piercings.

    Same for tattoos. depends on the person, location and type of ink.

    My wife has had a number of different piercings. she let a few go when she was student teaching and nursing. She is currently working on a fairly large tattoo on her back. Doesn't bother me. They are tasteful. I have no desire for either.
  17. Gorn

    Gorn Supporting Member

    Dec 15, 2011
    Queens, NY
    +1. I love the lip one....depending on the girl.
  18. tastybasslines

    tastybasslines Inactive

    May 9, 2010
    Los Angeles, CA
    This girl is my biggest crush at the moment.
  19. I love all forms of body modification, ink, piercings, scarification, suspension, gauging etc... I don't believe that it's anyone's business why someone got something done and those of us that do have modifications of any sort really don't give a damn what people think. It's not about being independent or conforming or what ever lame excuse people come up with. It is simply done because that is what we want done to our body. As long as the person with the piercing or ink is happy then I could care less. Will they regret it later? Maybe, maybe not but that doesn't change my day at all. If you don't like someone's body mods then just ignore it and go on with your day. Personally I think most piercings and ink on women is very attractive when done PROPERLY and taken care of. Just my .02 cents on it all.
  20. Unrepresented

    Unrepresented Something Borderline Offensive

    Jul 1, 2006
    San Diego, CA
    She's an attractive girl, I stand by my position that she would be more attractive without the piercings, but different strokes for different folks.