Is there really such a thing as a Neo soul bass line?

Discussion in 'Technique [BG]' started by JAUQO III-X, Apr 26, 2009.

  1. Billy Low

    Billy Low

    Apr 14, 2003
    Sandberg Guitars
    Dude, you really need to broaden your horizons and learn to listen more! Sure, you are entitled to your opinion, but it would be best to have an educated one...

    Folks here are passing out knowledge for free, but you would rather pay for it, that is, according to your BFA.

    That's just my opinion.

    I'll get back to you later!:eyebrow::D
  2. Bryan R. Tyler

    Bryan R. Tyler TalkBass: Usurping My Practice Time Since 2002 Staff Member Administrator Gold Supporting Member Supporting Member

    May 3, 2002
    Reviewer: Bass Player Magazine
    Would you rather I like counter tenors? No thank you. You frankly have no clue how educated my opinion is or not, and it's pretty arrogant to assume you do. What I like personally may not even have to do with what I know. I think Vuillard was one of the best painters of all time, despite knowing that his technical skills aren't nearly at the level of other painters of his time or after.

    Folks can hand out crap sandwiches and claim they're brownies ;) :D Sure I paid for a BFA. You don't get that breadth of knowledge in conjunction with people forcing you to think and paint in ways you normally wouldn't on your own.
  3. willgroove2


    Aug 16, 2003
    chicago IL
    Endorsing Artist;Essential sound products,Dunlop, Ergo Instruments
    "Neo soul" is a marketing term just like "Smooth jazz",as billy said this is music that has a huge influence from the black church and is built on a foundation that is decades old. What people call Neo soul I refer to as organic soul because the main difference between it and current R&B IMO is the fact that "Neo" soul uses more live instrumentation,real Bass,real drums,horns ect. There is also a hip hop influence but that mainly sonically IMO,I also work as a producer/remixer/engineer and I definitely seen a change in how soul music is mixed over the last 20 yrs. The Leon Ware cut is not Neo soul because if you go back 30yrs and really listen to the original recording there's nothing different about how their playing it; same Rhoads,wah wah guitar,real strings, the main difference IMO is the drum mix. The Neo soul movement hit the mainstream in the '90's because of a guy named Kedar Massenburg,who was the guy who signed Erykah Badu and India Arie,and later became President of Motown/universal for a short time. Kedar recognized that there was a movement that was running parallel to the hip hop movement that involved singers and musicians. As important to the music as D'angelo was/is one connot disregard Rapheal Saadiq who produced many of the cut's on D'angelos first CD and with Tony toni tone had been utilizing classic R&B styles in their music for quite some time.

    JAUQO III-X Inactive

    Jan 4, 2002
    Endorsing artist:see profile.

    Will aside from it's marketing ploy would you say that the proper term for Neo-Soul should be regurgitation? :)
  5. willgroove2


    Aug 16, 2003
    chicago IL
    Endorsing Artist;Essential sound products,Dunlop, Ergo Instruments
    Let's put it this way;I saw a commercial for Pepsi that said that it had real sugar in it,my wife said "what have they been putting in it?" and actually googled the ingredients,turns out they had been using fructose but they used to use real cane sugar. So we both said "it's just the same pop in a new can" that's how I feel about Neo Soul
  6. bass12

    bass12 Have You Met Grace Jones? Supporting Member

    Jun 8, 2008
    Montreal, Canada
    This is all very interesting. I have to say - as someone currently working on his Masters thesis in musicology - that there are some issues regarding musical "genres" that aren't being discussed here. First, I'd have to say that genre classification can fall into several categories. For example, the record industry tends to favour very broad definitions of genres, as this helps them categorize and sell music ("Worldbeat" is a perfect example). There are also genres as defined by fans and people within a given scene (look at the number of sub-genres of house music: acid house, happy, hardcore, trance, gabber, garage - the list goes on). Music can also be classified based on actual content - shared aesthetic elements, instrumentation, production techniques, tempo, rhythmic patterns, etc. The existence of elements common to a specific "genre" are independent of whatever fans, the industry or even musicians might think. Cultural context can also be a factor in the existence of a given genre. The British "acid jazz" scene of the early-to-mid 90s is a good example. It wasn't just about the music, but also about poetry, dress and even vocabulary. The same could certainly be said about rap, reggae and many other genres. Some musicologists, in fact, will differentiate between "style" and "genre". When it comes to "neo-soul", it may help to take into account not simply whether or not a bass line was "regurgitated" but also the production aspects (which, I would suggest, go a long way in helping to distinguish a lot of what would be labeled "neo" or "nu-soul" from 60s and 70s soul) and the scene/ideologies which are connected with the music. Genres such as "neo soul" are often spoken about as being part of a "movement". This indicates that some of these terms are perhaps not simply industry creations, but are in fact legitimate labels for actual phenomena. And yes, a lot of musicologists are narrow-minded, but they're not all bad...
  7. scotch

    scotch It's not rocket science!

    Nov 12, 2006
    Albany, NY USA
    Please see Profile for Endorsement disclosures
    great post!
  8. Billy Low

    Billy Low

    Apr 14, 2003
    Sandberg Guitars
    Pepsi gives me gas.:bag:
  9. Phil Smith

    Phil Smith Mr Sumisu 2 U

    May 30, 2000
    Peoples Republic of Brooklyn
    Creator of: iGigBook Sheet Music Manager
    And what would that movement be?
  10. bass12

    bass12 Have You Met Grace Jones? Supporting Member

    Jun 8, 2008
    Montreal, Canada
    That would depend on the genre in question.
  11. NickyBass

    NickyBass Supporting Member

    Nov 28, 2005
    Southern New Jersey
    Are we arguing semantics here? I'm failing to see how it is relevant whether or not neo soul is a 'genre.' I'm guessing that there is something deeper in the original question (statement.) Knowing Jauqo, I would guess that is has to do with individuality.

    Do you not find alot of growth potential in looking to the past?

    JAUQO III-X Inactive

    Jan 4, 2002
    Endorsing artist:see profile.
    No not at all Nicky.

    My question is based off of my years of playing music from so many genre's and understanding just exactly what a Neo-Soul bass line really is.

    Yes most definitely but that's not the case with the labeling of what is known as Neo-Soul.

    There have been numerous post through out this thread that points to the origins of Neo-Soul(a marketing ploy)with links from music decades old in comparison to Neo-Soul and for the most part it really sounds the same,so much so that most of it is interchangeable with the exception of the production of some of the songs.

    And to Bryan I posted that clip of Leon Ware since you profess to know so much about Neo-Soul.

    I expected to be schooled.

    If Leon Ware was to actually be included in the marketing behind Neo-Soul he would rightfully be given the title of one of the founding fathers of Neo-Soul but since the main purpose behind the marketing of Neo-Soul was not to reveal to much if any of it's strong relation to music deades past would not have went over with they're target market.

    Leon Ware produced and wrote some of the biggest hits for Marvin Gaye and Maxwell and if you listen to these two artists you will definitely see that decades apart they really fit like a glove in hand. And there are so many more that it really can be embarrassing when one thinks about how they are striving so hard for a genre difference.

    Sad is the case that most consumers of music today whether it be just lovers(of music)or musicians has no clue to the actual origins of music today.

    Most listeners of music and even musicians are not even aware that they are really nothing more than casual listeners at best. And rarely check out an artist work outside of the few songs that are played on the radio or the songs that they allow to be forced down they're throat.
  13. Bryan R. Tyler

    Bryan R. Tyler TalkBass: Usurping My Practice Time Since 2002 Staff Member Administrator Gold Supporting Member Supporting Member

    May 3, 2002
    Reviewer: Bass Player Magazine
    Where exactly did I profess to know so much about Neo Soul?

    JAUQO III-X Inactive

    Jan 4, 2002
    Endorsing artist:see profile.


    Not at all.

    Are they closely comparable(Al Green and Maxwell) or are they really different?

    Maxwell is more comparable to Marvin Gaye in so many ways that it really does exclude Al Green from the picture.


    And please Bryan I am not at war with you(I have the utmost respect for you).
  15. LilRay

    LilRay Commercial User

    Dec 27, 2007
    Between my Roscoe and Leather
    Owner: Cockeyed Cow Custom Leathercraft
    I am the Godfather of Flatulent Funk:D.:bag:

    I'm in the same boat as others (as I said earlier) in saying and agreeing with those who have said new titles to "define" music is just in fact repackaging, reconstituting, or regurgitating (or any other re word that you'd prefer) the same format and styles that have been performed for years.
    Otherwise their will be no more "pioneers", "innovators", "fathers" of music.

    Get over defining music.

    God Bless, Ray

    JAUQO III-X Inactive

    Jan 4, 2002
    Endorsing artist:see profile.

    Tell that to the labels and even some producers and all those 21 year olds who work in the labels marketing department(whats left of it).
  17. NickyBass

    NickyBass Supporting Member

    Nov 28, 2005
    Southern New Jersey
    So, is the main point of this thread that neo-soul is a regurgitation of the past that is being presented as something fresh and original???

    JAUQO III-X Inactive

    Jan 4, 2002
    Endorsing artist:see profile.
    You tell me,is it? :)
  19. Bryan R. Tyler

    Bryan R. Tyler TalkBass: Usurping My Practice Time Since 2002 Staff Member Administrator Gold Supporting Member Supporting Member

    May 3, 2002
    Reviewer: Bass Player Magazine
    Maxwell is one of my favorite artists- my daughter was probably conceived with Maxwell playing in the room :D I wouldn't claim to know that much of the genre though. I do know that I hear differences between how soul music was played then and how it's played now, using "neo" in front of it is an apt way of notating those differences.

    And heck, I'm not at war with you- I'm still waiting for you to put out that three-piece album :)
  20. NickyBass

    NickyBass Supporting Member

    Nov 28, 2005
    Southern New Jersey

    Well, if it is, how does that affect you?