It's 1969 I'm ordering a Fender Precision bass, what custom colour can I choose?

Discussion in 'Basses [BG]' started by Toasted, Oct 30, 2007.

  1. Toasted


    May 26, 2003
    Leeds, UK
    It's 1969 I'm ordering a Fender Precision bass, what custom colour can I choose?

    ... Actually, I'm getting my '69 P-Bass refinished, but I want to get it done in a period-correct custom colour.


  2. MobileHolmes

    MobileHolmes I used to be BassoP

    Nov 4, 2006
  3. MobileHolmes

    MobileHolmes I used to be BassoP

    Nov 4, 2006
    Lake Placid blue always works, although lately, I have a thing for charcoal frost, though it is harder to come by for a refin.
  4. Jeff K

    Jeff K Supporting Member

    Jul 9, 2005
    Memphis, TN
    I have "The Fender Bass - An Illustrated History" book. It does not list all the colors available, but there is a picture of several 1969's. The only P-Basses shown (most are Jazzes) are in 2 and 3 color sunburst, some type of blonde, and what looks to be Sonic Blue. There is also a very rare (probably custom shop order) P in Charcoal Frost. What's really rare is that it has black block inlays and black binding on the maple neck. Those attributes were usually only seen on the Jazz.
  5. BurningSkies

    BurningSkies CRAZY BALDHEAD

    Feb 20, 2005
    Syracuse NY
    Endorsing artist: Dingwall Guitars
    The chart I have for fender colors lists:

    Candy Apple Red
    Ice Blue
    Firemist Gold
    Charcoal Frost
    Ocean Turquoise
    Inca Silver
    Firemist Silver
    Foam Green
    Dakota and Fiesta Red
    Sonic Blue
    Olympic White

    With many of them stopping at 69.
  6. Pilgrim

    Pilgrim Supporting Member

    To me, the great classic color is Olympic White with a Tort pickguard (that's how my '63 started life). However, it has been done. I could be tempted easily by the greens and blues, but then I'd also be likely to paint the headstock to match.
  7. :smug: I take that book to bed with me, every night :bag:.

    I suspect that the charcoal frost P Bass in that picture, simply has a standard Jazz Bass neck (look at how narrow the spacing is :meh:) with a "Precision Bass" decal on (done by Fender, of course). It's a helluva piece though :eek:. I wonder how much it'd be worth today :meh:?

    Also, the John Entwhistle "Bass Culture" book has some seriously tasty custom colour, mid-'60s P Basses in too :eek:. Gold, LPB, Burgundy Mist, CAR, etc.

    Ah, what the heck, I took a couple of pictures for you instead ;):


    Feast your eyes, Fender fans :smug:.
    ukulelelab and Burwabit like this.
  8. Yvon


    Nov 2, 2000
    Montreal, Canada
    dokota red with matching headstock.
    Or olympic white with a tort gard.
  9. BobWestbrook

    BobWestbrook Mr.

    Mar 13, 2006
    Philly suburb
    If it's 1969, I'm 11 years old and can't afford a custom Fender on my allowance of 50 cents a week.
  10. Man, I was getting 50c a week in 1989 - you must have had it made!
  11. Bone


    Oct 28, 2006
    No Burgandy Mist!? :bawl:
  12. BurningSkies

    BurningSkies CRAZY BALDHEAD

    Feb 20, 2005
    Syracuse NY
    Endorsing artist: Dingwall Guitars
    Nope. Burgundy Mist ran from 61 until 63.
  13. Jeff K

    Jeff K Supporting Member

    Jul 9, 2005
    Memphis, TN
    Well, if it's really 1969, I'm 19; getting ready to go to Vietnam; and not making much more than your 50 cents a week allowance...
  14. I assume you're not stripping the original finish, right?

    Foam Green or Sonic Blue, imo.

    FWIW, if it's 1969, I'm one year old, and probably downloading something nasty into my diaper.
  15. markjazzbassist

    markjazzbassist Supporting Member

    Apr 19, 2005
    Shaker Heights, OH
    Lake Placid Blue, Candy Apple Red, or one of the Greens. Enjoy that bass Toasted:)
    chechunka likes this.
  16. mikeswals

    mikeswals Supporting Member

    Nov 18, 2002
    Seattle / Tacoma
    What a tough decision for you!
    I'd like Sonic Blue, Ice Blue, Inca Silver, Charcoal Frost. I wonder what Firemist silver looks like?
    Those are colors you just don't see around.
  17. GregC

    GregC Questlove, Black Thought, Hamilton Gold Supporting Member

    Jan 19, 2007
    +1! Love those colors.

    If it's 1969, I'm 6 years old, and on my way to getting unfairly lumped in with the Baby Boomers.:crying::bag:
  18. BurningSkies

    BurningSkies CRAZY BALDHEAD

    Feb 20, 2005
    Syracuse NY
    Endorsing artist: Dingwall Guitars
    The firemist silver is silver with red base coats underneath...I haven't seen one for real either, or if I have I haven't noticed...It's the same deal with the firemist gold/shoreline gold...different base coat color (I think Shoreline has silver underneath). I believe the candy apple reds have had both gold and silver underneath the reds at different times IIRC.

    Of course, there are some real custom custom Fenders out there. I saw a 59 strat in Chartreuse sparkle at Rumbleseat that was a documented factory job and if you do a search online you'll find a neat story about a very early purple telecaster that's verified.
  19. +1

    Maybe you've discussed this bass in threads I have not seen, but if this has the original finish currently you'll be deminishing the value by 50%!

    Even if it's a completely beat sunburst I'd leave it.

    Now, if it had a bad refin or was sanded down when you got it go for it.

    As for the color, you can't go wrong with one of the period custom options imho.
  20. Toasted


    May 26, 2003
    Leeds, UK
    You're absolutely right - it's got a really really niiiice Dulux finish from the mid 80's right now. It needs to come back to former glory so it's heading to Sims Custom Shop here in the UK for an authentic refinish - I just need to decide what colour.

    I just want to say thank you for everyone's input. I have some hard decisions to take now :D

    On another note - it's a total tone machine, really nails that vintage P vibe. I can't believe how much the body resonates.