Jaco-Tone: Do you really like it?

Discussion in 'Bassists [BG]' started by JimmyM, Feb 7, 2007.

  1. SteveCS


    Nov 19, 2014
    Hampshire, UK
    Doesn't sound like any Cello I've ever heard, and I've heard loads...
    I'm not 100% with @JimmyM but maybe 90%. The mellower end of it I like but the harsh quacking, which is I think what defines 'that' tone, is not for me.
  2. Bassngtr


    Jul 21, 2007
    Methuen, MA
    Only read the 2007 original post...
    I abhor that tone & cannot understand why it's so popular. Ugh...
    Simply put, if Jaco's tone was the only tone I ever knew of bass playing, I NEVER would have picked up a bass. It is the opposite of good bass tone IMHO. He was extraordinary talent...I just don't get the appeal myself.
  3. Jaco Taco

    Jaco Taco

    Jul 30, 2012
    He's a Legend In His Own Mind. Seriously, his career consists of a rather lackluster discography accompanied by incessant self-aggrandizement in whatever media-form he can get onto.
    Sartori likes this.
  4. Jaco Taco

    Jaco Taco

    Jul 30, 2012
    His body of work is pretty lame. And I don't need a body of work myself to say that Berlin is and always will be a self-aggrandizing wannabe.

    Gotta love the whole "You Can't Criticize Anyone Unless You Also Have Done Exactly What They've Done" Argument. That's always good for a laugh. Thank you.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2017
    Axstar and Sartori like this.
  5. No. Thank you for reacting in typical Jaco fanboy fashion to any criticism of your man crush by anybody.

    And my argument isn't that you don't have a right to criticize Berlin. It's that you're doing exactly what he did but you can't see that through the butt-hurt.
  6. Korladis

    Korladis Inactive

    Everyone has a right to criticize everyone else.

    Not a huge Jaco fan, personally. Monster player, but I find his music as boring as I find Jeff Berlin's.
    Jaco Taco and Gluvhand like this.
  7. Axstar

    Axstar Inactive

    Jul 8, 2016
    I don't think Jeff Berlin can really help it. I wouldn't be entirely surprised if he was diagnosed with Asperger's, as his mannerisms and didactic delivery remind me of several guys I know who have been diagnosed. Sweet, genuinely nice guys that thread on toes everywhere they stand without realising it.

    I find Berlin's playing to be minimally emotional, but big on technique and bluster. For example I listened to a recording of him reproducing Clapton's solo from Crossroads in note-perfect detail, but using that stubby ultra-clean bridge pickup tone that didn't really serve the music at all well, in my opinion. A glorious display of musical discipline and technique, totally missing the bigger picture.
    Sartori likes this.
  8. I'm not a fan of Jaco's music either. Or Berlin. Huge, marginally, whatever. And I agree. Everyone has a right to criticize everyone else and I'll jump in with an opinion too. I just found the post I was responding to very hypocritical. If we can be critical of Jaco, Berlin, Sheehan, and so on, why can't Berlin? Because he's a pompous tool? Half the people on TB would be disqualified on those grounds.
  9. OnTheOneBaby


    Sep 4, 2013
    I do like the bass sound on 'Blue Motel Room' track of Hejira.
  10. BassLover668

    BassLover668 Guest

    Apr 2, 2016
    Angol, Chile
    Jimmy is right, sounds like a mini farts.LOL
  11. filmtex


    May 29, 2011
    I'd have to agree. Jaco's sound, like Joni Mitchell' music in general, is like Sriracha sauce to me. I like it, but it's best consumed in small doses. Personally.
  12. jerry

    jerry Too old for a hiptrip Gold Supporting Member

    Dec 13, 1999
    Chuck Domanico plays bass on that track.
  13. cripula


    Dec 20, 2006
    I'm guessing..

    I will always love Jaco's sound. Specifically his studio RECORDED sound... the live sound is more hit and miss. Sadly I was never at a live Jaco performance so hard to say if the problem is what his tone was actually like live, or how it was captured.

    But the sound of his solo records, and especially Joni's Hejira record is high watermark stuff for me. Groundbreaking and untouchable.
  14. Jaco Taco

    Jaco Taco

    Jul 30, 2012
    Strawman Argument from you. I never said Berlin CAN'T be critical. I just said Berlin is lame and his opinion on Jaco is lame. And that's MY opinion.
    Sartori likes this.