My custom left handed mockingbird replica (Emg 40tw+Emg 85)

Discussion in 'Basses [BG]' started by Gwohawin, Feb 1, 2021.

  1. Gwohawin


    Jun 15, 2020
    Hello, my fellow bass players, today I want to share with you my experience with building a left-handed bass body because it's pretty much impossible to get your hands on any good lefty basses where I live, so here's my story of building this bad boy. I'll take better photos when I get my hands on my camera, for now, we're stuck with bad lighting phone camera photos, sorry :/
    WhatsApp Image 2021-02-02 at 04.38.32 (1).jpeg WhatsApp Image 2021-02-02 at 04.38.32 (2).jpeg WhatsApp Image 2021-02-02 at 04.38.32.jpeg WhatsApp Image 2021-01-26 at 23.12.18.jpeg
    The story:
    I started playing bass 6-7 months ago, and my first bass was a right-handed cort action, I liked the looks and the sound but it was right-handed and with a lot of problems, so I was looking for a proper guitar to help me with my learning. But my options were really limited and i didn't like any of them tbh, so I decided to build my own. My first try was a neck-thru thunderbird, but that somewhat failed(i might try to finish that one this summer), turns out building a guitar was harder than it seemed. Anyway, I still needed a lefty, so I decided to try again, this time with a mockingbird style body and reusing my cort's neck(nut was changed to fit reverse strings anyway, so it was already prepared for the project).
    My father brought some sapelle from somewhere and I decided to make the best use of them, but unfortunately, they were short, and I didn't want to laminate, so I made a design of my own with some elements from mockingbird and some from thunderbird, I know it looks a little odd but the wood was the limiting factor here. After finishing the design, I ordered the middle piece which is maple/walnut/maple, and after they arrived, I started working. Sadly I didn't take any photos during the gluing and cutting, but it's basically I laser cut a 3mm MDF of the design front/back(i made the design in Fusion 360), after laminating the woods together I just put the MDF template and cut the parts, so it looked like this
    WhatsApp Image 2021-02-02 at 05.12.24.jpeg

    I used French-Polish to give the woods their real color, and then I mounted the pickups and the bridge and screwed the neck into its place. The neck angle was a little hard to get right, but gluing a few pieces of paper in the body fixed the issue.

    Soo, how does it sound?

    my friend of misery.mp3 this is my favorite setting, bridge pickup is on humbucker, both volumes fully up, bridge tone %100, neck tone %0. No effects, no amp, just straight into cubase.
    I'll record all settings when I have time, but if you have any specific ones you want to hear, just let me know.

    I know this thread is lacking so much information but I'm really bad at writing this kind of stuff, so please ask anything that comes to your mind, I'll be happy to answer.

    Attached Files:

  2. deff


    Oct 15, 2018
    Gloucester, MA
    Neat, more of an SG/EB shape but cool nonetheless. I love that you've been playing for a short time and jumped right in building. I did something similar. A cross up between a Sandberg 48 and a mockingbird. You should post it in the Luthiers Corner

  3. Gwohawin


    Jun 15, 2020
    That looks awesome, i'm guessing wood choice is also similar, does that makes us bass brothers :p
    deff likes this.
  4. deff


    Oct 15, 2018
    Gloucester, MA
    I think it does. I used exactly the same wood combination and was a big fan of the old BCR designs and look. Where was your template laser cutting resource? I made most or mine from bondo tape and persistence. If you look up Scary Noob build you can find a link to mine. I also thought about doing a French Polish, but chose a different option. Yours sounds great as well.