One more time on the Walkabout--need reassurance

Discussion in 'Amps and Cabs [BG]' started by emor, Aug 29, 2004.

  1. emor

    emor Guest

    May 16, 2004
    I'm probably going to go for the 15" Scout, but as long as I have to wait, I thought I'd jump on the Schroeder bandwagon ;) .

    I was kind of kidding around, (but only kind of).
    I'll look forward to your review.
  2. smallfry

    smallfry Guest

    Aug 30, 2004
    i have the walkabout and the 12in scout 4ohm cab.

    i have to say it is sweet. the only thing is that the b sting on a 5string bass doesn't do quite as well thru the 12 in. but regular 4string and upright are killer in tone and volume.

    i looked into trying to get a 15 scout, but the price seems to have gone up dramatically since my purchase. i got the scout new for $300 (with trade in of a peavy 1x15) now i see that the 15 inch version is like 650 or something.

    i am pretty pleased.
  3. emor

    emor Guest

    May 16, 2004
    Well, I went and put a down payment on the 15" Scout today, so I guess there's no looking back now.

    Since I have to wait anyway, I briefly flirted with the idea of going with a custom look (was thinking about cream bronco w/tan grille or vanilla bronco w/gold grille), until I found out it would be an additional $140 and a 4 to 6 month wait. :eek:
    So, black on black it is.

    I checked out the other Walkabout (at store #1), and it didn't have the direct out post/pre switch either, so this is either a misprint in the owner's manual, or maybe these are older heads and this is a more recent feature. :confused:

    Now, about a new bass.... ;)
  4. waxcomb

    waxcomb Guest

    Jun 29, 2003
    Martinez, CA
    Get a Victor Bailey Jazz. I now know what they mean by the Jazz growl. I run the amp flat and use the 3 band eq on the VB. It handled my last gig with flying colors and the neck is butter. It cuts through and sounds awesome. I never thought I would get a Jazz, but this was a trade that I got the better end of.
  5. Benjamin Strange

    Benjamin Strange Commercial User

    Dec 25, 2002
    New Orleans, LA
    Owner / Tech: Strange Guitarworks

    You mean something like this?

  6. emor

    emor Guest

    May 16, 2004
    There's a local blues band whose harp player runs through one of these which I really dig :cool: :

    So I was kind of thinking one or the other of these would be cool:


    But I just couldn't wait that long. I'm sure the black will be fine.

    BTW-Do you happen to know anything about this?

  7. tombowlus

    tombowlus If it sounds good, it is good Gold Supporting Member

    Apr 3, 2003
    North central Ohio
    Editor-in-Chief, Bass Gear Magazine
    Just to add a little reassurance, I have run my Walkabout with 2.67 and (less frequently) 2 ohm loads with no problems. I'd say that the longest time I ran it 2 ohms was maybe 6 hours, and it was still quite cool (not even warm).
  8. emor

    emor Guest

    May 16, 2004
    Thanks. Do you happen to know if the signal out is "post" or "pre"?
  9. i run my scout (12" 4 ohmn) with a 2 x 10 mesa powerhouse (8 ohm) for a total impedance of 2.67. i've run it for extended periods (4 + hours) with high gain settings with the master on 4 or 5 and have not even been able to get the amp warm....i used to run a swr 750x with a sansamp and two ampeg svt 15" enclosures, i've since traded off my swr and sansamp as my boogie does it all better, louder and with tons of bottom..i recented picked up a g&l l-2000 and can't wait to try it thru my mesa shjould be killer !!!