Peavy Tour 450

Discussion in 'Amps and Cabs [BG]' started by Lordgout, Sep 28, 2009.

  1. Hey guys, was looking at this amp and it looks pretty good! Its £300 new and seems quite powerful! I think its just a SS type amp but I habve heard Peavy make some good amps? Can anyone recommend this head at all? Also if I did get this head what cab would anyone recommend too?

  2. TBassEurope


    Feb 24, 2008
    I owned the Peavey Tour 700 that should sound the same. Peavey is known for their very rock-solid and excellence bang-for-the buck medium class gear. Test it! If you like the sound of the tour series, that is some (nice) kind of rough and edgy and cutting-through the mix, neither hifi nor warm, I would get the 700 for not too much more money and the same size and weight but enough power for all situations. The 450 is just a price-worthy Amp, the 700 is a price-worthy AND loud amp. I like to own things that have least one thing outstanding (/remarkable/special).