Port tuning

Discussion in 'Amps and Cabs [BG]' started by J42, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. billfitzmaurice

    billfitzmaurice Guest Commercial User

    Sep 15, 2004
    New Hampshire
    Owner, Bill Fitzmaurice Loudspeaker Design
    With 4 string 40Hz tuning is usually too low. That minimizes excursion at 40 Hz, whereas the power bandwidth has the most demand above 60 Hz. Even with 5 string best results usually come with 45 to 50 Hz tuning, which still gives adequate output to the fundamentals while giving the maximum sensitivity and displacement limited power handling within that 60 to 100 Hz bandwidth where power demands are highest.
  2. J42

    J42 Guest

    Jul 25, 2010
    I was actually wrong, the 5" length puts me at 45Hz.