REDDI Tube DI Mega-thread-III

Discussion in 'Amps and Cabs [BG]' started by Chef, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. vlad335

    vlad335 Supporting Member

    Apr 14, 2003
    Latrobe, PA
    Ah OK. lol.

    Bringing my amp in now...
  2. TonyP-

    TonyP- Excuse me but you have your I-IV-V in my II-V-I Gold Supporting Member

    Aug 21, 2003
    Boston Mass
    A-Designs Mike Lull GK Tsunami Cables GHS Strings RMI Basswitch Nordstrand Pickups Darkglass
    Right auto correct
    I meant the Lehle
    svtb15 likes this.
  3. svtb15

    svtb15 Inactive

    Mar 22, 2004
    Austin,TX - McKinney,TX - NY,NY, - Nashville,TN
    I play it all. Whatever works for the gig. Q+
    If the Transformer has turned because the Bolt has become loose over time , it may introduce some hum into the audio chain/. .When the REDDI leaves the factory , they rotate the Transformer so the HUM is cancelled out.
    If that makes sense.
    If the Hold down screw becomes LOOSE. The transformer may shift one way or the other and you will get some HUM..
    All one needs to do is fire up the REDDI, and listen to audio output carefully as you turn the transformer slightly from left to right... You find the NULL point where any hum is minimal or none . Then Lock the Bolt down..
    That should do it

    Garret Graves likes this.
  4. vlad335

    vlad335 Supporting Member

    Apr 14, 2003
    Latrobe, PA
    Split the signal from my pedal board into the Lehle. The ISO output going to the REDDI and the DIR output going to my amp. THe REDDI is feeding a USB interface with headphones simulating a PA. Absolutely quiet! (quiet as my Wife was in the first month of marriage.)

    The Lehle is very expensive for what it does but it seems to work absolutely perfect, so maybe it's a bargain. IDK.

    The real test is going to be rehearsal on Saturday and splitting my signal to the PA and amp. I think it may be OK.
  5. JimmyM


    Apr 11, 2005
    Apopka, FL
    Endorsing: Yamaha, Ampeg, Line 6, EMG
    The P Split is pretty bulletproof. I know Paul Turner from Jamiroquai likes using one with his REDDI because he gets noise out of it when he runs into the PA and uses the 1/4" out from the REDDI into his amp. I think he could accomplish the same thing by using a Whirlwind Pin 1 lifter on the XLR out of the REDDI, but I guess he already has the Lehle. I don't have one but if I was in your situation, I'd definitely be getting one. Or I'd sell the current REDDI to a studio and get a new one :D

    BTW, I still get such a kick out of how Peter thought nobody would want to use it live so he didn't put a 1/4" thru jack on the earliest REDDIs. I can understand why he might have thought that as it's rather big and not cheap, but with that sound, how could anyone not want to use it live?
    SteveFromBerlin and Geri O like this.
  6. svtb15

    svtb15 Inactive

    Mar 22, 2004
    Austin,TX - McKinney,TX - NY,NY, - Nashville,TN
    I play it all. Whatever works for the gig. Q+
    I have my #1 older REDDI mounted to my pedal board. It all pops into a fitted roadcase.. In this situation i run it after everything....
    Other gigs i run it first in line
    mark beem likes this.
  7. vlad335

    vlad335 Supporting Member

    Apr 14, 2003
    Latrobe, PA
    Peter tells me that the REDDI I have is one of the originals.. Before all the lead regulations with the transformers. So there's that and I will never sell it.

    I used this the past couple years without an amp into IEM's. What the REDDI was putting out went directly to my ears. The sound is positively sublime. Playing up high on the neck with the REDDI is amazing. What I heard then in my ears is whats going into the audience and it roared! Without the REDDI, I felt llike my tone was lost.
  8. JimmyM


    Apr 11, 2005
    Apopka, FL
    Endorsing: Yamaha, Ampeg, Line 6, EMG
    Yep, definitely. The new ones sound the same but I get the sentimentality with it. Plus there's this...

    I think you should probably be fine once again. I hear the P Split makes up for anything that could happen from splitting that way. Probably why it's ridonkulously expenso for a splitter.
  9. svtb15

    svtb15 Inactive

    Mar 22, 2004
    Austin,TX - McKinney,TX - NY,NY, - Nashville,TN
    I play it all. Whatever works for the gig. Q+
    yes sir. .You and I are in the same Club... lol..
    I had a similar experience with eth REDDI and the RNDI.. And the RNDI is a great DI..
    People can go back in this thread and somewhere i listed most of the DIs that I
    once owned but then sold off after I got my first REDDI,
    There really is a difference. Its makes stuff sound more even and sort of 3D.. If that makes sense..

  10. svtb15

    svtb15 Inactive

    Mar 22, 2004
    Austin,TX - McKinney,TX - NY,NY, - Nashville,TN
    I play it all. Whatever works for the gig. Q+
    Happy Birthday Peter Montessi!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. JimmyM


    Apr 11, 2005
    Apopka, FL
    Endorsing: Yamaha, Ampeg, Line 6, EMG
    Happy birthday Peter, and thanks for making the world's best DI!
  12. Thinking of getting a REDDI for recording, but am wondering if the Ampeg PF20t would be a better option. Anyone make a direct comparison? Is the Ampeg di out quiet? I be running the REDDI into a 1073 clone, if that matters. Any other good options?

    I would have liked a P15, but I am not able to wait.
  13. JimmyM


    Apr 11, 2005
    Apopka, FL
    Endorsing: Yamaha, Ampeg, Line 6, EMG
    The DI out of the PF heads are a little noisier than the REDDI, but once you start playing, you can't hear it. I love them wrong answer here because they both do excellent true-tube tone, but the REDDI is a little quieter.
    Doner Designs and PianoOfDoom like this.
  14. Thanks. It seems like the REDDI is the best idea then, since I already have nice mic preamps, EQ, and comp in the rack.
    JimmyM likes this.
  15. Dave Hill

    Dave Hill Supporting Member

    Jan 9, 2005
    Atlanta, GA
    For Sale - Broughton P15 Tube Preamp
    PianoOfDoom likes this.
  16. svtb15 and mwbonsall like this.
  17. Dave Hill

    Dave Hill Supporting Member

    Jan 9, 2005
    Atlanta, GA
    Can’t go wrong with either. You’ll love the REDDI.
    mwbonsall and PianoOfDoom like this.


    Jan 8, 2002
    Ontario, Canada
    You won't be sorry! Since I bought mine(2nd one actually) earlier this year there are maybe a handful of gigs I haven't had it on and I've always missed it when its not there. It just adds some magic to the sound, and in the studio forget about it... Hands down the best sounding DI I have used for bass. You're gonna love it!
    svtb15, JimmyM, mwbonsall and 2 others like this.
  19. svtb15

    svtb15 Inactive

    Mar 22, 2004
    Austin,TX - McKinney,TX - NY,NY, - Nashville,TN
    I play it all. Whatever works for the gig. Q+
    Best choice for serious recordings is the REDDI . .The other is good, but the REDDI is on another level.. I just did a 3 state run fly from Florida , NOLA and California this week. The REDDI was my only piece of gear that i brought with me this time. It was a 3 state showcase for a chick whose record that i did last month. They were recording the showcases so i wanted the best. Anyone can read my stories with my experiences with the REDDI on this thread .

    You have a pro peice of no nonsense gear now. Congrats!!

  20. beans-on-toast


    Aug 7, 2008
    I assume that it wasn’t this one... :laugh: