Share with me some Fender custom shop order experience?

Discussion in 'Basses [BG]' started by bread903, Mar 8, 2018.

  1. Hello. It's me. Ebay Ritter Cheap snatcher. Oh I love those shapes.

    Today I write to ask to share some experience of Fender custom shop order.

    Their website says to talk to the dealer and shows the options the customers choose,

    but I want something that's not enlisted there...

    Anyway! If there's anyone who has an experience of putting a custom order to Fender,

    could you tell me how it went?

    whether they have strict rules, they work well on schedule alright, how the result was,

    if it's okay to carry a gun when I pick up the final result(kidding)...

    If there's a thread for this already, would anyone kindly let me know where it is?

    Would you kindly?

    has anyone played Bioshock?

    Thank you.

  2. Ace Of Bass

    Ace Of Bass A Rooster Illusion

    Jun 27, 2006
    The Fender Custom Shop Club has guys that have ordered from there before....I’ve always gotten mine through one of their dealers, but I do know quite a bit about the process and what is and isn’t allowed before you go from “Team Built” to “Master Built”, but other guys on the thread know even more than i do...I’d link it, but I don’t know how from my phone (just search it)....