So I go into my usual thrift shop after work today...

Discussion in 'Basses [BG]' started by Phildog, Apr 8, 2017.

  1. Phildog


    Feb 14, 2011
    ...and the very nice woman behind the counter grabs me by the arm and gestures me to the small door where you go behind the counter. She know I'm always looking for guitars because I've bought several from her already. But today, she leads me to this nice bass. I got it for $40. I think it's a VM Jaguar. There isn't as much as a scratch on any of the frets. It's dirty, but otherwise looks new. Geez!!!

    Attached Files:

  2. Super nice, super deal! I think she's been selling her ex's gear and might have the hots for you too. Might want to ask what else she has to sale (musical instruments of course).
    SirMjac28, Johnny Crab, BWorm and 7 others like this.
  3. Killed_by_Death

    Killed_by_Death Snaggletooth Inactive

    score of the decade
  4. Phildog


    Feb 14, 2011
    She's really nice. I've been going there for a few years now. I've gotten some nice electrics from Epi Les Paul Plus Top being one of them. And I never paid more than $50 for any of them. It'd be nice to find a nice 4x10 cab in there for my Ampeg PB800. LOL (Wishful thinking)
    cazclocker likes this.
  5. Phildog


    Feb 14, 2011
    Thanks bro!!!
    jhb138 and Killed_by_Death like this.
  6. joel406

    joel406 Inactive

    Dec 27, 2013
    Why can't this crap ever happen to me?

    Awesome bass.

    SirMjac28, Old Blastard, wmmj and 5 others like this.
  7. Crusher47

    Crusher47 Tattoo'ed Freak

    Apr 12, 2014
    Fort Worth, TX
  8. two fingers

    two fingers Opinionated blowhard. But not mad about it. Inactive

    Feb 7, 2005
    Eastern NC USA
    Nice score!
  9. Chicory Blue

    Chicory Blue Secretly Queen of the Moon


    I need to start hitting up thrift stores on the reg.

    GreaserMatt and btmpancake like this.
  10. JIO

    JIO Scott Lives Gold Supporting Member Commercial User

    Jun 30, 2010
    The Mission SF/CA
    musician/artist/owner - Gildaxe
    I had a dream like that once... then I woke up.
    SirMjac28, Phildog and cazclocker like this.
  11. Holy cow. There are no thrift stores like that in my area. I'm lucky to find a suit jacket that fits.

    Congrats on a righteous score, enjoy!
    btmpancake, Spidey2112 and pudgychef like this.
  12. We really should start a club or thread dedicated to these kinds of scores. The only problem is it would take verification which might be too much for many of us to comply with. Still, I am amazed at some of the music-related stuff people are finding, at or near free, at thrift stores and in the dumpster.
  13. Mosstone


    Jun 20, 2009
    Nice score! Man, where is this thrift store??
    btmpancake likes this.
  14. She probably has lots of regular dopers coming in hard up for drug cash and trusts you as a reliable/knowledgeable instrument buyer. :cool: :woot: :thumbsup:
    Manuel Eduardo likes this.
  15. prowla


    Aug 19, 2004
    I'd say that is definitely worth $40.
  16. hermetic

    hermetic Guest

    May 10, 2016
    Nice find. I look for stuff like that all the time.

    True story.

    I'm a junker from way back. Pawn stores, resale shops, yard sales, auctions, you name it. My best ever. I was driving to my daughter in law's house. There was a garage sale bout a block away. I drove slowly by and lo and behold there was what looked like an amplifier amongst the stuff. Closer up it was a blond painted tweed Fender Pro 1955 with the Jensen P15N with the bell. It had a sign on it. $1 dont work. Snatch. It needed a $100 worth of rectifier tube and a couple caps and it was the most awesome sounding amp. Ended up selling it for $1600 bout two years later.
  17. tpaul

    tpaul Supporting Member

    Mar 19, 2011
    Dear TB Forum...
  18. gebass6

    gebass6 We're not all trying to play the same music. Supporting Member

    I don't need another bass.
    And I'm not generally attracted to Fender products,
    But I don't know if I'd be able to resist a $40.00 bass!
  19. Linnin


    Jul 19, 2012
    Linningrad, Earth
    2012 Squier Jag for $40 is a heaven sent blessing just for you!:woot:
    The Analog Kid and btmpancake like this.
  20. RED J

    RED J Lol

    Jan 23, 2000
    Nice woman indeed. She should be made an honorary TB member and given a lifetime membership.