STOLEN Ampeg Bass Rig

Discussion in 'Lost & Stolen Gear' started by lowendlover, Mar 5, 2009.

  1. lowendlover

    lowendlover Guest

    Apr 28, 2008
    Lowell, Massachusetts
    I currently live in Lowell, MA which is right outside of Boston and had just got back from a early gig at around 9pm on friday February 27th. Sometime between then and 8am the next morning my rig (Ampeg B2r head w/ matching 4x10 cab) was stolen out of my singers car which was 50 feet from our apt. I actually made a point of covering it up as to evade this situtation! Im definitly pretty dissapointed but am detirmined to get it back.

    Some features that are fairly distinct are the cab is ported at the bottom (not the circles) and has the emblem missing so there is two white lines where it was glued on placed mid bottom. It had a metal grill.

    The head was in a 4 space rack, black and silver, it was busted in on one of the corners from being dropped and a few of the clips are held together with bobby pins. There is also duct tape residue on the top of the head.

    If you are from the area and see anything I would so appreciate being notified (860-836-2971) and would be willing to work out some sort of reward $$ for your help!!

    Thanks again,

  2. lowtide

    lowtide Commercial User

    Oct 14, 2006
    Bradenton, Florida
    Owner: Buzzard's Bass Shop
    I know I'm a bit of a distance south of Lowel but I'll go check the two pawn shops here in Plymouth and send out a heads up at the music shops that sell gear in the area.
  3. lowendlover

    lowendlover Guest

    Apr 28, 2008
    Lowell, Massachusetts
    thanks so much man!!! i can't tell you how much i appreciate that!! this site is great