SWR Mo Bass Users

Discussion in 'Amps and Cabs [BG]' started by dgblkbelt, Dec 11, 2002.

  1. dgblkbelt

    dgblkbelt Guest

    Oct 5, 2002
    Anyone have cool suggestions/tips for Mo Bass users? Some things I have been wondering is how to get is a Q-tron sound... anyone been able to do that?

    Another question is about the external FX loop... does it insert the FX after or before the internal FX? I just want to use a volume pedal to alter the post-internal FX level (same as what the main left/right volumes do).

    Input on these questions? Anyone have other questions, or other cool ideas?
  2. SoComSurfing

    SoComSurfing Mercedes Benz Superdome. S 127. R 22. S 12-13.

    Feb 15, 2002
    Mobile, Al
    Did you do a search on it? I know there have been ALOT of threads about it, cause I was (_) this close to buying one a little while back. If you don't have one already, and can stand the wait, SWR told me that they will be shipping a newly redesigned Mo'. They're changing the gain stage so that the clean channel sounds more characteristically SWR.
    I believe there is a diagram of the signal chain on SWRs sight, in regards to your question about the effects loop. I want to say it's after, but I'm not totally sure.
    Sorry I can't be of better help!
  3. dgblkbelt

    dgblkbelt Guest

    Oct 5, 2002
    I've tried searching the forums for stuff about the Mo Bass, but the search require 3 character words and doesn't take Mo or Mo'. Pain in the ass eh?
  4. SoComSurfing

    SoComSurfing Mercedes Benz Superdome. S 127. R 22. S 12-13.

    Feb 15, 2002
    Mobile, Al
    Yeah, that really did suck! Good luck finding the info you're looking for!
  5. richie

    richie Guest

    Dec 12, 2002
    San Diego County
    Yeah it looks cool, but it lack everything from power to clearity and the sob heats up if its pushed to hard. yeah I hope they upgrade it, more like a total overhaul.