The Rickenbacker Club Part Twelve

Discussion in 'Basses [BG]' started by smperry, Apr 15, 2014.

  1. woodyng


    Dec 19, 2007
    Oregon coast
    Yes,i think the white plastic pg is not the best look with the walnut. I would even go for gold plastic,instead of black,but keep the chrome hardware.
  2. scotch

    scotch It's not rocket science!

    Nov 12, 2006
    Albany, NY USA
    Please see Profile for Endorsement disclosures
    I modded (sort of quasi-restored, that is) my '75 4001 with a push/pull .0047 cap finally. I went ahead and overhauled all the electronics while I was in there (I'll save the original pots and caps for posterity...).

    I'm not sure how often I will actually use the bass-bled bridge setting. Probably just to show folks the difference when they ask, lol! It might work in a recording, I suppose, but for live use I just love the bridge pickup's huge sound! (I think I may have a particularly big sounding bridge pup, I haven't heard another Ric bass with so much bottom in the bridge yet.)

    I guess if you were to run stereo with the bridge going to a guitar amp & the neck going to a bass amp, then it would be useful. Less pummeling the guitar amp front-end. I may have to try that soon!:bassist:
  3. Just got my 4004ci!!!!!!

    holy wow it is amazing! The E string was sounding a little weak (changing pickup heights didnt help, nor new strings) so i tightened each truss rod a little which has seemed to help, but in the morning ill see how it is and go from there! (the turns of the rods have made the 15th+ frets buzz a bit. any advice people?

    such an amazing bass otherwise
    woodyng likes this.
  4. Aceonbass

    Aceonbass Commercial User

    Apr 10, 2004
    Mikael, tightening the rods likely induced a bit of back bow. The idea is to get the neck flat. To do this, use the E and G strings as a guide by fretting at the 1st and last fret. By the way, has my harness showed up yet?
    Mikaelbass likes this.
  5. Dane! Yes it has :) I was meant to message you, it looks terrific. Haven't had a chance to put it in the bass yet, once its all done and dusted ill post some picks.

  6. I just did the 1st and last fret trick on the bass, there is a bit of a gap around the 9th/10th fret on both E and G strings, about a 1/6th of an inch. What should my next move be?
  7. Can't really join the club, as I no longer have it - But my Rick was purchased new in 1975 - mapleglo with a special mahogany pick guard I had made. Used it except for one song on the first record we did at A&M studios in Hollywood with producer Ken Scott. I am a wood guy and I just couldn't stand seeing that cheap white plastic taking away from the look of that beautiful maple. I bought it at Washington Music Center - and at the time they had over a dozen new ones in stock. Spent an entire day and picked out the thinnest widest neck they had. At the time, I was amazed how different the necks were on most of them.

    Replaced it with PRS #7, and then PRS #11, which were my first medium scalers. Going from the 33 1/4" scale down to the 32.5" scale on the PRS was a huge difference - so for me - it was no contest - the PRS was like finally coming home. Played the PRS exclusively for 22 years. Here is blurry photo of me playing my mapleglo Rick at a show at the Cellar Door in D.C.


    Always loved that bass though, and wish I would have hung onto it.

    Also played a fireglo for a short time which I borrowed from my vocalist. That is what convinced me to get my own.


    Last edited: Jun 14, 2014
  8. Jaymi

    Jaymi Pink Bass Man

    Feb 11, 2008
    Nashville, TN
    Endorsing Artist: Ampeg , GHS
    Sartori likes this.
  9. car_man65


    Nov 14, 2013
    Could that possibly be one of the first 4003's? Or a very good copy with a valid jack plate?
    Sartori likes this.
  10. Jaymi

    Jaymi Pink Bass Man

    Feb 11, 2008
    Nashville, TN
    Endorsing Artist: Ampeg , GHS
    I had one that was March 1980 so it is possible
  11. kcole4001


    Oct 7, 2009
    Nova Scotia
    I don't ever recall seeing a copy of a split guard 4003.
    Or for that matter, a split guard 4003 withot the 7 screw tail, but the tailpiece could have been replaced.
  12. Ric5

    Ric5 Inactive

    Jan 29, 2008
    I like 5, 8, 10, and 12 string basses
    That is absolutely a 4003 and not a 4001
  13. car_man65


    Nov 14, 2013
    Anyone else notice the TRC says "Model 4003"? I thought the 4003s just said Made in USA???
  14. Ric5

    Ric5 Inactive

    Jan 29, 2008
    I like 5, 8, 10, and 12 string basses
    Wire it VVT and then you can blend the pickups and hit the sweet spot where the E string will sound better.
    woodyng likes this.
  15. Ric5

    Ric5 Inactive

    Jan 29, 2008
    I like 5, 8, 10, and 12 string basses
    I noticed ... it is a 4003.
  16. Jaymi

    Jaymi Pink Bass Man

    Feb 11, 2008
    Nashville, TN
    Endorsing Artist: Ampeg , GHS
    How about something fun???
    My latest acquisition
    scotch likes this.
  17. scotch

    scotch It's not rocket science!

    Nov 12, 2006
    Albany, NY USA
    Please see Profile for Endorsement disclosures
    Congrats, Jaymi!
    Jaymi likes this.
  18. Jaymi

    Jaymi Pink Bass Man

    Feb 11, 2008
    Nashville, TN
    Endorsing Artist: Ampeg , GHS
    that that makes three here at the moment...
  19. kcole4001


    Oct 7, 2009
    Nova Scotia
    Great merciful GRUNT!!!!

    Cool vid!
    Playing Ricks always give me that feeling.
    A Rick bass and a preamp pushed hard is what I like best.
    Jaymi likes this.
  20. PaulBoyer

    PaulBoyer Commercial User

    Jan 27, 2012
    Hey thanks for the heads up, Jaymi. As we have discovered here, RIC start/stop dates are what I call "soft." It's generally believed that the 4003 was initiated in 1980, and since RIC sales materials and price sheets usually follow sometime after a "new" model or feature, we can better date the arrival of the 4003 as being as early as October 1979 (at least, for now)! I may have to go through the RRF registry and see what the earliest production date is in there.
    Jaymi likes this.