
Discussion in 'Strings [BG]' started by jazaar, Nov 9, 2002.

  1. jazaar

    jazaar Guest

    Nov 9, 2002
    hey, im pretty new at bass and i find that my strings go out of tune very easily. Every time i practice i have to tune it again.

    I was gonna just buy new strings but since its quite a new bass i figure it will just happen again.
    Any tips?
  2. wulf


    Apr 11, 2002
    Oxford, UK
    What bass are you playing? One of the marks of a quality instrument is tuning stability; if you've got a relatively cheap bass, it could be less than wonderfully engineered machine heads rather than something to do with the strings.

  3. RoyQBiv

    RoyQBiv Guest

    Nov 8, 2002
    Bellingam, WA
    If it's a newer bass, then the strings might still be adjusting to the tension, and the problem should improve if you give it some time. If it doesn't, then it's cheap tuners. You can get replacement tuners and have them installed if things get too bad.
  4. jazaar

    jazaar Guest

    Nov 9, 2002
    im playing a cort action bass.
    damn good bass for beginners (i think).
    Shot for the replies.
  5. wulf


    Apr 11, 2002
    Oxford, UK
    Here's a thought... how far out of tune are the strings going between practises, and what do you do with your bass between whiles?

    If it's just a bit out of tune (rather than a semitone off) and and you're putting it away in a case or gig bag, that could be enough to knock the tuners a bit.

    In fact, as long as it holds it's tuning fairly well during the practise time I wouldn't worry about it too much - it's good to get in the habit of tuning up before making music.
