Value of Ampeg amps...

Discussion in 'Amps and Cabs [BG]' started by rockstarbassist, Oct 19, 2004.

  1. rockstarbassist

    rockstarbassist Inactive

    Apr 30, 2002
    The Woodlands, TX
    Endorsing Artist: HCAF
    What's about does an SVT-III Pro and SVT-IV go for used??? Anything close is cool.
  2. brianrost

    brianrost Gold Supporting Member

    Apr 26, 2000
    Boston, Taxachusetts
    $7-900 for an SVT-IV, $400-600 for an SVT-III Pro. Be careful, there are also SVT-III (not Pro) heads out there, make sure you know what you're buying!
  3. I just paid $450 for my 3Pro shipped. I also (a couple years ago) got a like new 4Pro for only $550 - but I don't think that that is a typical... Generally in the $700 - $900 range for these.
  4. rockstarbassist

    rockstarbassist Inactive

    Apr 30, 2002
    The Woodlands, TX
    Endorsing Artist: HCAF

    My first amp ever was actually that very thing... Nobody bothered to tell me... Like I even knew the difference, though! :)
  5. Basspolizei

    Basspolizei Pseudo bass player/collector

    Jun 23, 2004
    Buy basses and lots of guns before it's too late! You have been warned.
    Any amp is only worth what your willing to pay for it. Your apparently willing to pay for an Ampeg. Damn good choice! I think your safe to pay anything under 650.00 for a used SVT3Pro, providing it has substantial tube life left. You did not mention your budget. If $ is not an issue, buy a new one and get the industries best 5 year warranty. That way you could live and play with no worries. Good luck.
  6. Hawkeye

    Hawkeye Canuck Amateur Supporting Member

    Aug 8, 2002
    North of GTA, ON, Canada
    Long & McQuade Sales Employee
    I paid $525 for my 4 yr old SVT 3 Pro. It was kinda scratched up, and needed a fan replacement.

    I just put 5 new Electro Harmonix tubes in it and using it as a preamp only it sounded nice and clean. I'm anxious to hear how the full head sounds in my cab.