What is beyond death?

Discussion in 'Off Topic [BG]' started by Tomis17, Aug 17, 2007.

  1. jomahu


    Dec 15, 2004
    Bos, MA
    after death is death: the sequel.
  2. Horny Toad

    Horny Toad Guest

    Mar 4, 2005
    I think it is quite likely that it goes nowhere. As I mentioned earlier, I think it's just incredibly difficult for people to imagine "nothing". We desperately want "something" to happen or to "be" after we die. I think it would be great, I want to believe too. I just don't. And as others have said, there's no right and wrong. Anybody that claims to "know" is on shaky ground.
  3. Johnny Fila

    Johnny Fila Formerly "The Crusader"

    Nov 21, 2004
    Macungie, PA
    It's a Dream Theater quote.........off the album scenes from a memory
  4. Billy Low

    Billy Low

    Apr 14, 2003
    Sandberg Guitars
    Did they have wings, or horns? :p

    JAUQO III-X Inactive

    Jan 4, 2002
    Endorsing artist:see profile.
    They were thick :)
  6. Johnny Fila

    Johnny Fila Formerly "The Crusader"

    Nov 21, 2004
    Macungie, PA
  7. Billy Low

    Billy Low

    Apr 14, 2003
    Sandberg Guitars
    I guess it depends on who u r! If you're Elvis it means a humongous payday for those you leave behind...including the ex-wife! It means that you will earn more money in the first five years of your death than you ever made while alive. It also means that you shall be elevated to God-like status for never doing an original thing in your life. It also means that your sins will not only be forgiven, but forgotten (pedophillia, drug abuse, racist attitudes); while those truely gifted and far greater shall be lied upon and persecuted for far less.

    I guess that aint a bad way to spend the afterlife is it? I guess the joke was on everyone else when he died. He made sure to fall off the toilet with his pants around his ankles and his a** in the air knowing that the world would spend the next 100 years kissing it! He always did care about his fans; what a great man to think of this convienience for them!
  8. spencer

    spencer Guest

    Feb 22, 2006

    I said if you gave it a chance, a real chance total life change or prayed passinatly for god to show himself to you or show you the truth, then you WILL see the truth.

    I have only been saved about a year, and this is what I did, gave it a chance, HATEING it and not being atheist but believing that my God would never send someone to hell, when I found the truth in the bible..
  9. Like I said, I bet a lot of people here have given it a chance. It doesn't work for everyone, despite what you think. I'm genuinely glad that you've found a belief system that makes you happy. I'm also sorry that you can't grasp how another person may not believe what you believe, even after giving it a shot.

    Anyway, I'm done discussing religion. It's banned in OT and I feel bad that I added fuel to the fire, so to speak.
  10. zazz


    Feb 27, 2004
    after death....a long sleep...a bit like an eternal sunday morning lie in.....

    old people ...they know...thats why when death comes a knockin...they smile and say thank **** for that.
  11. Billy Low

    Billy Low

    Apr 14, 2003
    Sandberg Guitars
    Maybe that's it! Elvis sold his soul down at the crossroads...No, wait...that was John Lennon. My fault.
  12. Johnny Fila

    Johnny Fila Formerly "The Crusader"

    Nov 21, 2004
    Macungie, PA
    Elvis is.....is not with us anymore?:( :( :crying: :crying:
  13. Geoff St. Germaine

    Geoff St. Germaine Commercial User

    Aug 31, 2001
    Halifax, Canada
    Owner - St. Germaine Guitars
    You would have to demonstrate that there is a 50% chance of either happening. Just because there are two possibilities doesn't imply that they are equally likely.

    The only thing we can say for sure about death is that if the body is not tampered with in some manner it decomposes. Any unobservable claim about what else might happen is pure speculation.
  14. Billy Low

    Billy Low

    Apr 14, 2003
    Sandberg Guitars
    Now, now poor child, rest your head. The mean man was only joking about Elvis being dead. We all know that he's performing tonight with Keith Moon, Stevie Ray Vaughn, and Janis Joplin for that gala for Princess Grace.

    You can go back to sleep now. :D
  15. RyRob813


    Jun 7, 2007
    St. Paul, MN

    my point exactly