Drummers seem to usually get the short end of the stick (get it???) here but ...

Discussion in 'Bass Humor & Gig Stories [BG]' started by tmdazed, Dec 5, 2015.

  1. tmdazed


    Sep 29, 2012
    Back Story:
    in short , we had a big blowout with our prior drummer in may last year , rage fire/rage quit. we spent months trying out drummers to no end, very frustrating (4th drummer in one year). We are generally pretty easy people to get along with , but the problem is , we do a LOT of our own arrangements and mashups of cover songs, not a lot of drummers are open enough or lack forward thought, to get on board with what we are doing , we get a lot of work , even turning some away due to bookings , we also have a small but very loyal following. Along comes , Ill call him S, he comes from a nu metal back ground, but seemed very enthusiastic to play the stuff we described to him.

    The music we play is very funk/reggae based so we were not sure how the fit would be , but we try him out anyway, it went AWESOME, him adding double kicks where we never would have thought of, great fills and suggesting register changes to augment certain parts and all on his first night. right into what we are doing, I locked in with him almost immediately. played our first gig with him and it all went great

    Last week, we have two gigs booked for the 18th and 19th with a band we love playing with , one at a great live venue here in town that is usually tough to get into , the other an out of towner close to world class ski resorts, rehearsals to this point have gone well then we got this text:

    broke his right ankle in three places, in set the dread. The rest of us got together to plan. Sit in drummer?.. No time for us to get them up to speed! Cancel the shows?.. We already cancelled on these guys prior when we split with our old drummer, don't want to cancel on this venue either, not good optics for the band! programmed drum machine?.. No that's clown shoes.

    What do we do?

    Then this:

    the crazy ba..rd showed up to our rehearsal this week, had his specialist set his bones (no surgery needed thank the rock gods) put him in an air cast , with a walking cast over top. he showed up and we burned our sets out that night and never skipped a beat. Shows saved , fans happier than heck and a new respect brought to us for the skin bashers. Just remember , some drummers are hard to work with, some are downright bad, but when you have a good one , it is a treasure, and some will even go over and above , show no quit and will be a true member of your brotherhood.

    Much respect

    Move over Dave Grohl , you may have your throne

    We have Uber drummer
  2. AltGrendel

    AltGrendel Squire Jag SS fan.

    May 21, 2009
    Mid-Atlantic USA.

    Good to see a positive story about the tambor crowd.
  3. zontar


    Feb 19, 2014
    I tend to get along better with drummers overall--don't know why--I just do--most of the time.
  4. The drummer in my last band somehow sliced his hand open in the middle of a set and kept playing. There was blood all over the snare. I thought he would need stitches. He takes a selfie of his bloody hands and sticks and posts it to our website and FB page. I miss that guy.
    hrodbert696 likes this.
  5. two fingers

    two fingers Opinionated blowhard. But not mad about it. Inactive

    Feb 7, 2005
    Eastern NC USA
    Cool story OP. Glad it worked out.

    Rawk awn! :bassist: