John Bonham is not dead!

Discussion in 'Bass Humor & Gig Stories [BG]' started by Axtman, Dec 11, 2018.

  1. Axtman

    Axtman Supporting Member

    Mar 3, 2008
    Seattle, WA
    He showed up at the jazz jam last night.

    The guy played as if he was soloing unamplified in Shea Stadium! He turned it up to 11 and hit all the drums and cymbals as if he was playing Whack a Mole on crack! There was no dynamics or groove and he stepped on everyone's playing/soloing.

    Next time I am going to tell him to chill out. If he doesn't then I will just leave.
    saabfender likes this.
  2. No dynamics or groove? Stepped on everyone else? That does not sound like John Bonham.
  3. fhm555

    fhm555 So FOS my eyes are brown

    Feb 16, 2011
    Why do you think LZ was so loud? :D
    Wilmingtonian likes this.


    Mar 29, 2006
    That'll show him!:rage:
  5. Axtman

    Axtman Supporting Member

    Mar 3, 2008
    Seattle, WA
    At one point he knocked a cymbal stand over on me!
  6. two fingers

    two fingers Opinionated blowhard. But not mad about it. Inactive

    Feb 7, 2005
    Eastern NC USA
    "Excuse me sir. I think you're looking for the headbangers ball. That's two blocks down. Red building on the right. Ask for Snake."
  7. mellowinman

    mellowinman Free Man

    Oct 19, 2011
    That wasn't Bonham.
    LBS-bass, Michedelic and Mr_Moo like this.
  8. This John says "No" johnpauljones.gif
    basscapes likes this.
  9. silky smoove

    silky smoove Supporting Member

    May 19, 2004
    Seattle, WA
    @Axtman since we’re both Seattleites, which jazz jam was this?
  10. Scoops

    Scoops Why do we use base 10 when we only have 8 fingers Supporting Member

    Oct 22, 2013
    Sugar Creek, Wisc
    I have to laugh.

    I am the house bassist for a weekly jam.

    One night, an individual who was showing up on a weekly basis, decided he wanted to play.

    So we said ok, and got him up the second set.

    First song, was a drum solo through the whole song.
    Second song, rerun of the first movie
    BL ended the third song ended after a verse and a chorus. Same movie different beat

    That was probably the shortest 3rd set we ever played.

    He hasn't show up since, so....I'm wondering if we are talkin the same guy. Seemed like he was intent on whack a mole as well.
    Jimmy4string and BassCliff like this.
  11. Axtman

    Axtman Supporting Member

    Mar 3, 2008
    Seattle, WA
    Next time he sits in I am going to turn up my amp really loud and play Smoke on the Water!

    I over heard one patron say, "Are you going to throw those guys out? It's after 11!" We are supposed to stop at 11 but usually the bartender lets us keep playing.
  12. Michedelic

    Michedelic MId-Century Modern Suspended

    Ah, for a second I thought that you belatedly just discovered the Yoyoka videos. So, did this guy do the kick drum triplets? Drink the bar dry?
  13. Michedelic

    Michedelic MId-Century Modern Suspended

    Then he’ll just do his Paice imitation. Try “Space Trucking” instead.
  14. Michedelic

    Michedelic MId-Century Modern Suspended

    "Thank you, thank you, we'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitress..."
  15. Just call out "drum solo" and everyone just leave the stage, and order a drink at the bar.

    Now they would be funny.
    Flooflox and onda'bass like this.
  16. Vanilla Fudge, Febuary 1971. Bands plane is late - it's freezing cold outside - they haven't eaten all day. Walk out on stage 1 hour late. No one has left the building. First song is about five minutes long. Second song is "Break Song" and the drum solo goes on for 30 minutes. Band goes back stage and pigs out on cheeseburgers and Bud lite. Finally they stroll back on stage, and hand burgers and Bud to Carmine (drummer), so on song three they have no drums, just the other three. They do a long blues song that really went well with no drums. Finally, an hour after arriving on stage, everyone has been fed. NOW they rock the place. Where was I? Sitting with our drummer on the floor about 3 feet behind Carmine. Rock and roll for sure !
    Flooflox, fjbass78, cactus1 and 3 others like this.
  17. We had a drummer try out for our band once. I called him "MG42" because he was playing loud and fast. It sounded like a machine gun going off! Think about Plush at 140 BPM :roflmao:
  18. bass40hz

    bass40hz Cigar smoker, scotch drinker, American Patriot

    Aug 13, 2014
    Richlands, NC
    I had a drummer like that, exactly as you described, with the addition of not knowing how to count...I left. If you don't, you are a better man than me.
    Rock on.
  19. fjbass78


    Jun 21, 2007
    Doesn't sound like Bonham to me. He was good!
  20. Axtman

    Axtman Supporting Member

    Mar 3, 2008
    Seattle, WA
    The ironic thing was one of the songs we played was "Softly as in a Morning Sunrise". He played it loud and fast!

    He's lucky our regular piano player was not there. She would have thrown him out. The substitute piano player was great and did not overplay.