Up for sale/trade is a Darkglass Duality. Got this from a fellow TB'r about 6 months ago. Actually a great pedal but I need multiple dirts with minimal floor space. Looking for $185 CONUSA. Hookside Velcro tastefully applied down below. Not sure if I have the box but will check. Will ship next business day USPS Priority Insured
As far as trades I mostly want a S.A. Soundblox 2 OFD.
Not much else needed unless you have a Tech21 RPM, Yamaha PB-1 or Ashley BP41 you want to trade for.
As far as trades I mostly want a S.A. Soundblox 2 OFD.
Not much else needed unless you have a Tech21 RPM, Yamaha PB-1 or Ashley BP41 you want to trade for.