Epoxy Removal

I've done a good bit of looking around for the proper way to remove epoxy. I've been refinishing an epoxy neck and had a few things go wrong, I was curious to what you fellas have used to remove epoxy. One suggestion involved pinesol, and/or heating the epoxy then using a scraper to throughly remove, then sanding, which seems like its not so bad. Give me advice!
Good luck. I tried doing the same thing once. I used Easy-Off (oven cleaner), steam and iron, sandpaper, paint stripper. Everything. No go. Fortunately, I had to remove the fingerboard to get a new truss rod in there, and replaced it with a new cocobolo. It's too bad I have to part that bass out (it's beyond saving now, but it lasted over a year and a half).
I got lucky. I caught the problem before it fully cured. Ended up using a radial sander. What happened is that i had an epoxy spill and the back of the headstock got coated by a nice layer of epoxy.

I just nailed the back of hte headstock wth a random orbit sander for about 3 seconds, problem solved. Will have some funny looking finish on the back, but who sees that but me