My muff realization

First, thanks to guys on this forum who have helped me out nd answering my questions.

Not all muff are created equal. I think we all know that. But I think I came to a personal realization.

I love the tone of my Civil War muff. Everyone knows that by now. But I think I now know why. After comparing it wih the Supercollider and other green muffs and found the tone of the SC and those muffs lacking, I began to ask questions, not realizing that there IS a difference measurable between the CW muff and the Green Muffs. Folks on this forum began to help me actualize those differences and place empirical values upon them. The difference to many is minor, but to me it is huge, and I never understood why that tone, that extra bit of "bassiness" the CW gets over the Green and why it is huge. When I would describe how the tone of the muff is "focus bass" and others would describe it as "muffled" I would be puzzled by how we can hear things so differently.

Now it has occurred to me that maybe we aren't. I think the difference is in the pickups. Thisn is why the CW muff tone works so well for me.

You see, I love EMG's. I used a set of 35 P/J's (will swap out for 35DC's as a long term goal) Where others I have heard describe EMG's as having a brittle trebly tone and no low end, I describe the highs as glassy and wonderful and the bass as focused. Plainly put, I think the input source of the EMG's make all the difference in tone for me to the CW muff and is why I think the green clones is lacking.

So I am posting this for folks, especially less experienced folks, to take into consideration, because I have spent and wasted lot of money trying to achieve this tone and hope to save a few folks from doing the same.

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