Need advice

i need to get a new amp but dont know what to get i dont want some thing that isnt portable or that costs way to much i generally play jazz so i dont want something that distorts but i still want a versatile amp with lots o f tonal options

im willing to pay anywere from 300 aud to about 800 aud

i would generally use it for practice and small gigs

But as U R in OZ like me- I'd go 2nd hand -ebay for example & go 4 a Hartke HA3500 amp(cheap atm in Aus) & a 2x12" or 1x15" or 4x10" cab to go with. U can find decent 1x15" cabs for $200AUD lately... keeep an eye on ebay!
Unless U want a combo....then yr choices are less........
Here are a few

This is the ONE i'D GO 4 -PLAYING JAZZ ETC... Light, good sound reliable!!

Or this-NEW

This good too!!!

AMP + you'd need a cab

SUCH AS...........

A few to choose from there just NOW.. Imagine what U come across if U look for a while!!!
Good luck!