Dingwall prices have nearly doubled since I got mine

I purchased my Afterburner from Bass Central in late 2004 for $1400. I was looking at the BC site today and a model just like mine is selling for over $2600! :eek: That's the sale price, not suggested retail.

I'm not saying they aren't worth it, just that I'm glad I got mine when I did. :hyper:
They are priced too high right now. You're not getting $800+ more quality, it's just now you're paying a dealer to get in between you and your DW sonic paint brush. The build quality has always been top notch. The weak dollar prolly plays into it too. $1850 - $2500 was a perfect price point for the ABI's and ABII's. Unfortunately $3100 - $4100 is out of reach for the average player.

Some of the DW's on Basscentral's site have been there a while.

I'm glad I bought my 2 ABII-5's when I did. I too could turn 'em for a profit, but it's not going to happen.
Kinda makes me wonder if there are any basses out there right now that are in the $800 range that could possibly go up in value over time.. Like the Schecters for instance, do you think they'll go up? They seem pretty decent, but then again I hardly know S**t about anything yet...
Not Schektors. Cliff Bordwell comes to mind. Hopefully he will continue to sell direct. He also does fanned frets.
True. BC is having a 'sale' on their Dingwalls too.

I bought mine in early 2005 and it listed at $2200, but I certainly didn't pay that so, I believe that BC is showing list price.

I would expect it to actually be priced better than the $2600 they show.

AB-2's have also changed pricing, but they've also changed a lot of specs in the past year or two, semi-hollow, f-holes, newly designed pickups and electronics, all of this says 'more $'.

Of course, the other factor is that demand is up. People are more aware of the greatness of the shop in Saskatoon, so there's more demand and a longer wait. Two years ago, they were quoting 6-8 month waits for Z and Primas...now you're looking at over two years for the first cut.

Lets not forget that the Super J and SJ-5 are also now in the mix and adding to the demand, and backlog!
I've noticed the Dingwall price increases, and it's a major buzzkill. I played a Super J with P/J pickups in the summer of 2006, and still believe it's the best bass I've ever laid hands on. I balked at the $2,200 price, which I couldn't justify at the time, and didn't buy it. Within a few months I regretted this decision, and it's even worse when I see the current prices! Now there's no way I could touch a new one.
I bought mine in early 2005 and it listed at $2200, but I certainly didn't pay that so, I believe that BC is showing list price.

I would expect it to actually be priced better than the $2600 they show.

AB-2's have also changed pricing, but they've also changed a lot of specs in the past year or two, semi-hollow, f-holes, newly designed pickups and electronics, all of this says 'more $'.

The honey amberburst Afterburner 1 (which is like mine) lists for $3301 and the sale price is $2640. It sounds like $2640 is the price you'd pay.

Regarding the AB-2s: F holes would definitely add to the price although, if I'm not mistaken, those aren't a standard feature. I'll bet those AB-2s sound great with the wood combo used.

Have any makers put A's instead of F's on their instruments? :bag::D
I am considering of buying a used dingwall or a peavey cirrus tiger eye....How can I know if the bass has the new features and it worth the extra price I am paying????...
I really want that bass, but won´t pay the same price as someone who bought it 4 years ago....
Unfortunately, the US dollar is weak right now, but imagine that I was buying in euro few years back and the euro was weak at that time. Still the value for money of the AB line is still great IMHO and IME. I got myself an AB II very recently through TB from the classifieds. It really proves my point
Unfortunately, the US dollar is weak right now, but imagine that I was buying in euro few years back and the euro was weak at that time. Still the value for money of the AB line is still great IMHO and IME. I got myself an AB II very recently through TB from the classifieds. It really proves my point

the dollar rates are ruining it for me, I think some people are holding back on my bass sale because of the euro conversion. when I got my first USA order, a conklin at the time, both currencies had pretty much identical value. :(
:cool:Doesn't Dingwall have a new "affordable" line of basses comming out this year? I remember seeing the prototype in a NAMM thread somewhere and there's actually somebody here who has played it I think.

Yes. Look for them to hit the street either late Summer or early Fall, depending upon the finalizing process!

I am considering of buying a used dingwall or a peavey cirrus tiger eye....How can I know if the bass has the new features and it worth the extra price I am paying????...
I really want that bass, but won´t pay the same price as someone who bought it 4 years ago....

The first thing to do is find out the SN, and check that with Sheldon. He'll tell you when and what features the bass has. There are some visible cues as well:

-Scrolls have been around for about a year or so, before that all AB2's have solid bodies.

-Older AB2's have mahogany bodies, while newer ones have walnut. This change is at least 3 years old at this point and might be a few years longer.

-The original AB models didn't have the BluEQube as a switch but instead had it as a push-pull pot.

-The most recent change (within the past 6 months or so) is the addition of FD-3 Mach II pickups, so if it's older than that, you're looking at FD-3 pickups.

***I'd like to note that FD-3 are amazing pickups even BEFORE the new upgrade!