Metal Sound?

This might be the wrong forum to post this under, but i have been playing bass for about 8 years now, and usually i play rock, i have recentlly gotten into Metal/Hardrock and i am in a band with that sound. My rig is a Ampeg 6X10 SVT series and occasionally ill use my Ampeg 1X15 too to fatten up my sound. My head is a Gallien Krueger 1001RB head and my effects are a Korg AX3 floor processor, a boss overdrive, a boss chorus and a morley dual wah. I just am not gettin a good sound! I dont know what to do becaus ive never had to set up my rig to be in the complete backround. Usually i played music that allowed me free range, and i also had to switch from finger styl to pick style to get some tone i wanted! What else should i do, any help is appreciated!!!

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