I’m in a relatively popular local covers band. We do a variety of tunes (including 80s, 90s, classics, Top 40 etc), we play for a set fee and venues don’t charge cover. Our singer is also in an 80s Concept Band. They do the full dress-up 80s thing, sell tickets/charge cover and play for the door. They do make some good $$.
When the cover band needed a new drummer, we took on the 80s band’s drummer. Then the guitarist from covers started also playing with the 80s band. Now she wants me to play bass in the 80s band as well…..it would have essentially become one band with 2 different shows.
I’m not in love with the idea from an audience perspective. If I pay to see an 80s show and its just the same covers band I saw for free last week, but wearing some 80s costumes, I’d be a bit disappointed.
What do y’all think? I like the people in the band, and it’d be an excuse to buy some cheesy pointy headstock 80s basses I guess.