Ok, basic overview is this thing, despite its mean looks, is really a rather tame and subtle note thickener. This is not to be read as a dig on the pedal. Quite the opposite. The controls all have a very fine-tuning feel to them rather than all out sonic destruction. It's very easy to dial in exactly what you need because of this.
There are no major extreme seasick tones in this thing, and it shines best when used as it is intended, which is a simple chorus with an 80's vibe.
The only thing I would have to say that might be construed as negative is that the echo knob is simply a volume and feedback control. You have no control over delay time. Luckily it can be turned off because the lack of adjusting delay times is somewhat limiting.
But overall, the sound is there, the feel is there and it looks amazing. I had to send mine back for a replacement because of a slight oversight on Idiotbox's part, but he's got it taken care of and a new one is in the mail.
So to sum up....buy this if:
1) You want a mojo filled chorus to satisfy your 80's jones.
2) You like your choruses with extremely fine tune controls rather than extreme sweeps on each knob.
3) You like a darker more evil chorus sound than a bright chimey one.
4) You don't care if the delay is unadjustable other than volume and feedback.