P-Bass Alternatives

I'm considering adding a P-Bass (or a P-Bass-style alternative) to the family.

The Fender Player Precision ($699) seems a little underwhelming to me on the hardware front - tuners, pickups, bridge - so I'm looking at a couple of alternatives.

I'm considering the G&L Tribute LB-100 ($549) which of course most closely matches the original Precision in terms of pickup configuration, controls, etc.

The G&L Tribute SB-2 ($599) adds the flexibility of a P/J configuration.

The Schecter CV-4 ($599) is a double P-style pickup design with a bunch of series/parallel/split options. I currently have a Schecter Omen Extreme and I really like it; I've always been very impressed with Schecters for quality and value for money.

Does anyone have any opinions or insights on any of these instruments?

the Schecter is likely a great choice, everything they do is worthy.
for the lower end of your budget this Epiphone 'Bird is a P killer and for my tastes cleans up on J tones as well at the bridge minus the high end, just beef across the board, then dial up the bass in any configuration and it's all over. I'm a P guy, now they just watch with the rest of my ignored quiver.
I'm considering adding a P-Bass (or a P-Bass-style alternative) to the family.
There are literally hundreds of different models of MIJ/MIK P bass clones out there, especially lawsuit era stuff that are better made than a lot of the Factory Fenders; Arai, Ibanez, Tokai, Greco and others. I have an Ibanez RB620 (see pic; not mine but the same except stock bent plate bridge) and it cost me about $50. It's 83 and ash/maple and has a great pickup.

Another alternative S/H are some of the Peaveys. I'm not as up on the non T40 models, but they are often MIA, very good and can be had for bargain prices. Check out the Peavey club thread.
U.S. Peavey Club

I'm considering adding a P-Bass (or a P-Bass-style alternative) to the family.

The Fender Player Precision ($699) seems a little underwhelming to me on the hardware front - tuners, pickups, bridge - so I'm looking at a couple of alternatives.

I'm considering the G&L Tribute LB-100 ($549) which of course most closely matches the original Precision in terms of pickup configuration, controls, etc.

The G&L Tribute SB-2 ($599) adds the flexibility of a P/J configuration.

The Schecter CV-4 ($599) is a double P-style pickup design with a bunch of series/parallel/split options. I currently have a Schecter Omen Extreme and I really like it; I've always been very impressed with Schecters for quality and value for money.

Does anyone have any opinions or insights on any of these instruments?

How about one that has a very special P bass pickup and also a very special look?