
  1. J-bass VVT prewired passive controls

    For sale J-bass VVT prewired passive controls

    So these controls came out of either a Lakland Dual J (USA made), Fender Pro II J bass, or a Roscoe J bass. I really don't remember anymore. But they are quality in any case as all of these basses are quality in turn. Only trade interest would be for a Fralin split coil PU for 4 string P bass...
  2. A

    For Sale J-bass VVT prewired passive controls

    So these controls came out of either a Lakland Dual J (USA made), Fender Pro II J bass, or a Roscoe J bass. I really don't remember anymore. But they are quality in any case as all of these basses are quality in turn. Only trade interest would be for a Fralin split coil PU for 4 string P bass...
  3. cashmoneywill

    Tone Pot Lowers Neck Pickup Volume Issue

    Hey all! Running into some new problems with a Fender Highway One Bass I just picked up. The wiring seems to have been replaced at some point (Unless there is actually a grease bucket tone circuit here, but looks like the average wiring job). The problem I keep running into is that the tone...
  4. Dubious Aa

    I like my controls dimed

  5. S

    Jazz Bass 1T, 1V, 3Way Selector + Series Parallel Help!

    Hey all, I hope you're all well during this time! So I would like to replace my VVT setup on my bass for Master volume, Master tone and a 3 way selector for neck, bridge and both pickups and I'd also like to add a series parallel switch element. I wonder if it's better to have the series...
  6. Claymore

    Kill switch... Yes or no?

    Can anyone think of a reason why I shouldn't replace my volume pot with a push/pull killswitch on one of the other pots? Are there loud audible pops or anything when I engage it or disengage? I have a 3 knob Jazz Bass and I was entertaining the idea of doing an ungrounded blend/tone/Q-filter...
  7. G&L SB-2 VVT

    For sale G&L SB-2 VVT

    Up for sale is a lovely 2018 G&L SB-2. It's barely used and in dare I say Mint / Like New condition. This one came w/a Tone knob from the factory. Has been professionally set up w/ medium to low action NYXL strings. Comes with OHSC and original G&L Paperwork etc...
  8. citizenchris099


    Up for sale is a lovely 2018 G&L SB-2. It's barely used and in dare I say Mint / Like New condition. This one came w/a Tone knob from the factory. Has been professionally set up w/ medium to low action NYXL strings. Comes with OHSC and original G&L Paperwork etc...
  9. JW-Thrax

    Model J wiring help

    I´ve recently purchased a set of model J jazz pickups for my bass. My plan was to wire them up with 2 volumes and one tone knob with push pull functioning as a series/parallel switch. I've wired it up using the following schematic. The problem I encountered is that it doesn´t work as...
  10. Usidore T Blue

    VVT tone pot going on PJ -- taking suggestions

    Hey all, Tone pot on my PJ Squier goes in an out when I tap it, and, increasingly, does so on its own. I am taking this repair opportunity to completely rethink the wiring setup. I have read the threads, so I am making this a simple vote so you do not have to type if you do not want. What do...
  11. amphlett7

    Blend/Tone Only - Jazz Bass

    I'm getting read to re-wire my Mexican Jazz bass after finishing it and want to try something different. I've had it wired standard VVT and V-3 way switch-T, but neither has worked for me. I solely use my basses in my home studio, so I rarely have use for the volume control. Is there reason...
  12. GManfromOz

    VTVT to VVT Fender Jazz

    I'm thinking of converting my CS Journeyman Jazz from VTVT to a VVT. Richter have a VVT prewired kit but the wiring doesn't seem to look like it's an easy job. Anyone done this? Pros, Cons?
  13. Chrisk-K

    VVT circuit losd

    I have read somewhere that on a passive bass the VVT control scheme creates too much circuit load and makes the bass sound dull. Is there truth to this?
  14. E

    Is this normal for VVT operation?

    I've been messing around with MM wiring configurations in my Affinity JV And never really paid too much attention to this before when I had the MM wired in Series, noticed it when wired in Parallel...but... With both volumes up 100%, it barely sounds any different than if the neck volume was...
  15. Flippy

    Passive PJ - alternatives to VVT?

    Time has come to upgrade the electronics on my PJ. It seems that unless both volume pots are on the exact same level, one pickup gets much more volume over the other. Perhaps the pots are mismatched, or it's an expected behavior on passive basses. Either way, I just don't want to deal with two...
  16. unbrokenchain

    Going from VVT to BVT with series/parallel switch (J bass)

    I've found threads and diagrams for adding a blend control, and some for adding a series/parallel switch, but not for both at the same time.. I'd like to add a series wiring option to my bass (MIM fender jazz), but I'd rather the volume knob for the series position to be the second knob. I...
  17. AndyPanda

    Jazz Bass series with no-load VVT

    My Jazz Bass was wired standard with 250K audio taper for volumes and tone. And I was mildly annoyed by having all the volume control happen between 8-10. Read posts about using linear pots for volume. But I was also interested in trying out series with the VVT blending as has been shown...
  18. Alembic J Bass Pickups and Preamp, VVT

    For sale Alembic J Bass Pickups and Preamp, VVT

    Alembic Jazz set (4 string) with Preamp, Volume, Volume, Tone (filter). This is a mid 80's model. Works perfectly. $400.00 including shipping CONUS.
  19. Bassdudeman

    SOLD Alembic J Bass Pickups and Preamp, VVT

    Alembic Jazz set (4 string) with Preamp, Volume, Volume, Tone (filter). This is a mid 80's model. Works perfectly. $400.00 including shipping CONUS.
  20. Dr Dan

    Wiring & shielding P/J Bass VVT

    Hi everyone. I'm building a '51-style P-Bass with a Fralin 51P single coil in the neck position and a Dimarzio Ultra Jazz split-coil (series) in the bridge position. (Yes, I am aware that I will get single-coil hum from the neck pickup. I want an SCPB & I can live with the hum.) It has a metal...
  21. Matt O

    Convert 3 knob vvt Jazz to stacked vtvt?

    I have a 3 knob MIM 60s classic Jazz that I'm thinking of converting to stacked knobs. Anyone done this? My main concern would be if the cavity would be deep enough to accommodate the pots and if the control plate is the same size. Anybody?
  22. dolomick

    VVT w/Volume Pedal

    After playing a Warwick for years and recently getting a Frankenbass Hot Rod Precision body w/Hot Rod Jazz neck, I realized I really don't like having 2 volume knobs. So naturally, I come to talkbass and spend way too much time reading about VBT configs while at work :) If someone can point me...
  23. walterw

    Ultimate No-load Ungrounded Blend Pot (Pics!)

    after talking about the "ungrounded blend" thing for a while now, i finally got around to snapping some pics of one while i was installing it! this is a 250k M/N pot that i've also modded to be "no-load" by cutting traces, so that at each extreme the "off" pickup is entirely disconnected. (i...